Period One -- ELA 9
Grammar 54 & 55 was due today. On top of this, Lesson's 56 & 57 were also assigned. All of these lessons will be collected tomorrow.
Period Two & Three -- ELA 10
After some silent reading, the poem "What I Remember of the Evacuation" was handed out, read and questions were assigned. Independent novel studies will commence tomorrow. Students will have their choice of "Obasan" and "April Raintree".
Period Four -- Social 10
An assignment was given in which questions were provided, the answers all of which came from today's copy of The Leader Post. The assignment is due tomorrow.
Period Five -- Social 30
After a Current Events discussion, the period was given to work on our research assignment. Students need to bear in mind that at least one book or print resource will have to be utilized.
Period Six -- Social 20
An assignment similar to the one given in Period Four Social 10 was given.
Period Seven -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students continued to work towards completing the package of activities that were given. A minimum of four of the five assignments must be completed by Friday.
Media Studies students looked at effective techniques to use in advertising. They were then given an assignment in which they must create four advertisements for a pre - existing product, or one that they have invented. Students will be marked more on the effectiveness of the advertising as opposied to artistic ability.