Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
Assignments 74 & 75 of Language Power were assigned. They are to be done for tomorrow. In my haste, I forgot to collect the homework assignment that was given on Friday....this will be collected tomorrow.

Period Two & 3-- ELA 10
We started with a pop quiz on the first three acts of Shakespeare's Macbeth. We then orally completed reading Act One.
A timeline of events will need to be completed by each student act by act for the duration of our study. The Act One portion was assigned today. Don't worry about putting down every little thing that takes place, rather focus on the important events that you feel have had, or will have an important role in the eventual outcome of the play.

Period Four -- Social 10
After a Current Events discussion, we started our mock trade activity where the students representing a nation are responsible to trade their goods with other nations in their best effort to fulfill the needs and wants of their population. This activity will continue tomorrow.

Period Five -- Social 30
After a Current Events discussion which was based primarily on the weekends sporting results, students were asked to think about and respond to the following questions:
1) What is meant by the term 'globalization'?
2) What is meant by the term 'international trade'?
2b) Why does international trade occur?
3) What is meant by the term 'defence'?
4) What is meant by the term 'foreign policy'?

These will be discussed tomorrow where they will make sense as we embark on our fifth and final unit of study.

Period Six -- Social 20
Bad weather on Friday cost this group a free class which was earned. Today was that day.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Students continued to work on their newspaper assignments in the Computer Lab. These are due Wednesday of this week...THursday at the absolute latest...

Have a good night, Mr. Morin