Period One -- ELA 9
1. Language Power lessons #1, 2 were corrected from yesterday.
2. Topic sentence assignment was collected; will be returned tomorrow.
3. We looked at the four purposes for writing, those being a) informative or expository b) narrative c) descriptive and d) persuasive
Period Three -- ELA 20
1. We started the class by thinking back to our childhood and trying to come up with our fondest, or most vivid memory of our parents.
2. This lead us to the short story "Penny in the Dust" by Ernest Buckler.
3. This story was to be read as well as some reflection questions answered for tomorrow.
Period Four -- ELA 10
1. We reread the beginning of "The Restless Spirit of Bickleigh". Using the clues, and events of the story, we sought to reach a conclusion, or explanation as to the 'untold' story of this spirit. The students were very close in the explanation or theory they reached in comparison to the one given in the book....Well done!
Period Five -- History 20
1. We began to look at the events that lead up to the outbreak of World War I. This class was devoted to looking at the actions of Germany from just prior to their unification through to the Dual Alliance signed with Austria-Hungary in 1879. Next day will see us continue to look at the action of Germany leading up to 1900.
2. Students have been asked to make a continuing timeline of major events that are discussed in class which they believe will have an impact as time progresses. They have also been asked to keep a chart of all the alliances that are formed leading up to World War I, which nations were involved and when that agreement was signed.
Period Six -- ELA 10
1. We took a closer look at narrative and persuasive writing.
2. Students were then asked to put this knowledge to work and create two original paragraphs, one that serves each purpose.
Period Seven -- History 20
1. We reviewed and discussed the activities from last classes handout. This dealt with events which impact and alter the manner in which a society operates such as natural disasters, recessions, pandemics, etc. We also talked about how First Nations societies were forever altered with the arrival of Europeans, as well as what made North America so appealing to Europeans looking for new colonies around the globe.
2. We then looked at the differences that existed between First Nation and European societies in terms of decision making processes. The big difference was the hierarchical nature of European societies compared to the inclusive nature of the First Nations, in particular the Iroquois Confederacy who had their own constituion and right of all individuals laid out hundreds of years age.
3. Finally a look at our relationship with the land, and how these relationships are affected by realities such as geography and climate.
4. Some questions were assigned to get students thinking about the impact of geography and climate along with the ways in which our proximity to the United States has had a lasting impact.
Have a good night.