Welcome back to the start of another exciting school year.
A number of forms and information was handed out to your children today. Some of these need to be signed and returned to the school. The sooner these can be returned, the better. Also, you will notice that there is no Publication Authorization form coming home. Last years form remains on file; the only reason this form would need to be filled out is if there are changes being made to the conditions within this agreement.
Now on to the good stuff:
Period One/Two: This time was spent in homeroom going over forms, handouts, rules and expectations and so on. A short assembly was then held in the gym to introduce the two new teachers to our staff...Welcome to Mr. Rostotski (Grade Three) and Mr. Chapman (Senior Science).
Period Three: History 30
A class outline was handed out and discussed. This should go home and get signed by parents/guardians for a free five marks.
A short quiz was given to determine how much students know about this history of Canada; results were varied but will improve over the course of the year.
We started the year by looking at some of the criteria that helps to determine one's worldview. Students were asked to write about their own worldview as it relates to this criteria. Also, they were asked to think why an understanding of worldviews and its many variations is necessary in the study of Canadian history. This short assignment needs to be done for tomorrow.
Period Five: Math 7
Students started the season with a short assignment that is to be done for next class which is Wednesday. They are to complete a mulitplication chart going up to ten, as well as solve a series of problems. Not only are they to solve the problems; they were also asked to try and explain the manner in which they reached that answer.
Period Six: ELA 10
A class outline was handed out and discussed. Following that a short review was done to determine how much knowledge was remembered from last year in regards to purposes for writing, elements of an effective paragraph, the writing process, RAFTS and strategies for effective topic sentences.
Once this was done and discussed, students started a writing assignment. Using the information gained from last year, they are to create and write paragraphs related to their "Bucket List". For tomorrow they are to brainstorm at least eight potential ideas.
Period Seven: ELA 9
The class started by a discussion on my rules and expectations for the students. Secondly, Language Power handbooks were distributed to each student. Lesson's 1, 2, 3 dealing with synonyms, homophones and homographs were assigned. They are to be completed for tomorrow.
Also: Look for information about school clothing coming home soon. We will be dealing with a new company this year, and as such need to come up with some design ideas. One thing the new company is offering is a website through which you can buy Norquay School clothing year round.
And lastly, nominations for SRC Executive positions are new open. Nomination forms are available from myself and needed to be handed in ASAP as it is the hope that we can hold the election on Friday.
Again, welcome back and have a great night...Mr. Morin