Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21st -- Day Three

Period One -- ELA 10
Completed Booklet One of a Reading Assessment.

Period Two -- ELA 20
Work Period for students to work on Trilogy (Creative Writing) or Newspaper Stories (Media Studies)

Period Three -- ELA 10
Students who weren't finished the booklet of the reading assessment completed in the first few minutes. After that, the period was given to polish up speeches which will commence on Thursday.

Period Four -- Social 30
Started to look at the circumstances and events (Quebec and Charlottetown Conferences) which led up to Confederation.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Polished up our speeches which will commence tomorrow.

Periods Six & Seven -- ELA 9
One period was given to finish up speeches which are to start on Thursday. After that, Grammar Lessons 70 & 71 were corrected from yesterday. Culminating Activities for Romeo & Juliet were given. Students spent the remainder of the period working to get things in order for this activity.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin