Period One -- ELA 9
After some silent reading, the short story "Sunrise on the Veld" (Crossroads) was assigned for reading. Once completed, questions 1a, b, & c, 2 and 4 were to be completed along with some vocabulary words which were to be defined and used in a sentence.
Period Two -- ELA 10
"The Great Adventure" was collected. For those who didn't hand it in today, it must be on my desk by 9:00 am tomorrow morning or else it will not be marked.
Notes were taken on the Elements of Plot (Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Denouement). The short story "Blue and White" was given out to be read. Assignment given was to outline the elements of plot as they appear in the story. DUE TOMORROW.
Period Three -- ELA 10
This period was used to read "The Cage" which is your independent novel study for this semester.
Period Four -- Social 10
A discussion of Current Events took place -- big story of the day is the Calgary Stampeders Grey Cup victory.
We shared our monthly costs for the life we want to lead in the next ten years. Information was shared regarding average income, median income and minimum wage. Apparently some of you plan to lead pretty lavish lifestyles. Homework: NONE
Period Five -- Social 30
Current Events again brought up Calgary's victory. Assignments were returned on the standard of living criteria as well as future economic models.
We started a research assignment in which you are to choose a country from the top ten rated countries in terms of standards of living, along with one in the bottom ten. We are to look at why those at the top are where they are, why those at the bottom are where they are, and eventually create potential solutions to help increase the standard of living for a poorer country.
Period Six -- Social 20
Current Events...again Calgary wins the Grey Cup.
You were given maps in which you were to imagien the year was 1905 and set up villages, towns and cities geographically speaking around the province keeping realities in mind such as services provided and means of transportation. Following this, a second map was given in which the year was 2008 and changes to the original map are obviously necessary. These maps must be completed tomorrow and you should be prepared to explain your configurations.
Period Seven -- ELA 20
We collected the Sestina's which were due today. Following that, we looked at some figures of speech and defined them as well as sought to create two originals of each. They were similie, metaphor, personification, pun, onomatopeia, hyperbole, oxymoron, euphemism & alliteration.
Have a great night.