Period One -- Social Studies 20
We discussed the configuration of our Saskatchewan maps from the years 1905 and 2008. How did the location of villages, towns and cities change? Why?
A handout was discussed concerning conflicting social systems. From this point, information on three different paradigms regarding our relationship with the world around us was given out and questions were to be answered. Homework: Complete questions relating to these paradigms.
Period Two -- ELA A10
The elements of plot were discussed as they appeared in the short story "Blue & White". A poem entitled "The Northwest Passage" was given out and students were to come up with ideas and thoughts as to what was happening within each of the stanzas.
Period Three -- ELA 20
We discussed the Figures of Speech created by the students which were aided by definitions and examples given in class yesterday. From this point, students were given a package to read which included a short story entitled "The Shinny Game Melted the Ice" and a poem entitled "I Lost My Talk". Homework: read these two pieces for tomorrow.
Period Four -- ELA 9
After ten minutes of reading, short stories were collected and "Outsiders" reviews were returned. The remainder of the period was given for students to complete the activites that go with the short story "Sunrise on the Veld". Homework: Sunrise on the Veld -- questions and vocabulary.
Period Five -- ELA A10
The poem "Northwest Passage" was discussed as a class. Following this a pre - reading activity was done for the poem "Five Ways to Kill a Man". The poem was then read and discussed and an attempt to discuss the theme in a sentence was undertaken. Essentially, the theme in a sentence includes possibilities like "life and society is a challenge in its own right" and "the challenge is breaking the cycle".
At this point, an assignment was introduced in which students were the group up and seek to create their own reality television programs. A more detailed outline and handout will be distributed tomorrow.
Period Six -- ELA 20
We started a debate with the following topic..."Is the government responsible in anyway to provide money (bailout) to companys in economic trouble?" We met in groups to create our stand or viewpoint on this reality. This will continue tomorrow with the debate set for Thursday of this week.
Period Seven -- Social 10
After a current events discussion, more was done in terms of looking at our expenditures. Big lesson learned was that we spend far too much on needs and wants, with the want portion of our budgets being, in a word, ridiculous. We then discussed some of the arguments for and against Canada and other industrialized societies being capable of offering high standards of living.
Homework: Assume you are individually responsible for producing all the goods and resources you use in the course of a day. List eight items you use daily and briefly discuss the manner or process which takes place in its production.
Have a great night. Reminder, Parent - Teacher Interviews are tomorrow night and the following night.