Period One -- ELA 9
We started a new unit on "Love, Loyalty & Friendships". Students were given a questionnaire which they are to complete for tomorrow.
Period Two & Three -- ELA 10
We started preparations for the final exam which is set for Monday, January 27th. Back to reality tomorrow with everybody's favorite.....poetry.
Period Four -- Social 10
One last class to work on our business proposals. Essentially you are to make a list of all the resources (natural, human and capital) along with the supporting infrastructure needed to get your business off the ground. You are also to talk about the way(s) your business will be a boost to the local economy. While these weren't supposed to be due until Thursday, lack of work and abundance of conversation means these are due tomorrow.
Period Five -- Social 30
We were in our groups working on our platforms for the manner and policies we would utilize to help alleviate economic problems in Canada both now and into the future. Reminder that the Unit Two Exam is scheduled for Friday. Review and outline to be given on Wednesday.
Period Six -- Social 20
Population Pyramid assignments were collected. From that point, the period was given to complete the population demographics assignment. Those who were done started a handout with questions and acitivities relating to the migration of people.
Period Seven -- ELA 20
Seeing as over a quarter of the class was gone to Basketball, this was used as a work period to catch up in any work necessary.
Have a good night!