Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 20th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
We made a list of characteristics and attributes that you would look for in the perfect friend.
After that the short story "Golden Girl" was distributed. Since the story is a little longer than originally thought, all that needs to be done for tomorrow is ensuring that the story is read in its entirety.

Period Two -- ELA 10
Discussion on Halloween activities enjoyed by the students was had. Following this students were asked to read the short story "Halloween Horrors" by Max Braithwaite. Once done, students were to complete three questions and an extension activity related to the story.

Period Three -- ELA 10
Continuation of Period Two

Period Four -- Social 9
Farming Simulation activity continued. For tomorrow, years three four and five must be planned out including the total of income and expenses excluding adjustments.

Period Five -- Social 30
Unit two exam on Economic Development. Time will be given next class to complete.

Period Six -- Social 20
Assignments were collected on Migration and Growth Paradigm. The concept of change was looked at which included the definition of six types of change. We then looked at some major events in the history of the world in terms of the type of chane each event was as well as discussed the effects of these events on population.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Worked on short stories for "Young Writers of Saskatchewan"

Remember where you were today...a historic day as the United States swears in Barack Obama as the first black President in their history....

Have a good night....Mr. M.