First day of 2nd Semester
Period One -- ELA 9
We returned Unit Two Exams on "Turning Points". For the most part, they were pretty well done. Congrats to Zach Newell....91%!!!!
After that the first paragraph of the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" was read aloud and students were to record what information they were given, and what was left out that they think is important to the understanding of the story.
At that point, the students were asked to complete the reading of the story and answer four questions. This is due tomorrow and a second activity related to this story will be assigned tomorrow.
Period Two -- ELA 10
A handout on reading and its purposes was given. It is due tomorrow.
Period Three -- ELA 10
After ten minutes to work on the reading handout, the theme of inequality was introduced as the first of three themes in ELA B10. Students were asked to bring up examples of inequality that have taken place over time.
Images were then shown on overheads that were in one way or another related to the concept of inequality. Discussions were had on how the seven images depicted inequality and the manner in which they have played out over time.
Period Four -- Social Studies 10
Seeing as nearly half the class was missing..absent or preparing Taco's in a Bag with SADD this was a work period.
Period Five -- Social 30
Review of the concepts of biological and cultural determinism took place. The theory in interactionism was introduced. From that point a handout was given in which the students have to look at various aspects of humanity and determine whether or not they think those are a result of our biology, our culture or a combination of both. This assignment needs to be done for Monday.
Period Six -- Social 20
A number of assignments were returned to the students. Apolgies for the lateness.
A review of the material on the test was given. Reminder that the Unit Two Exam on Population is next Friday.
At that point we introduced the third unit on the Environment. A concept web was created as a class on what types of things we believe are a part of the environment.
We then discussed and defined the two types of environments; those being the physical and the human.
Students were then asked to make a list of the ways that the environment helps us to meet our needs in a variety of areas such as personal, social, security, esteem and actualization. This is due for tomorrow.
Period Seven -- Creative Writing 20
Notes were given on six different points of view, or methods in which a story can be written.
Students were then given the storyline that someone, a biker, pedestrian, skateboarder, etc. gets struck by a vehicle. Students are to add the details, and write three different narratives, each using a different point of view to re - tell the story.
Thanks to SADD for the Taco's in a Bag -- delicious!!!!! Also Good Luck to the Junior Curlers heading to Yorkton tomorrow!!! And Good Luck to the Senior Basketball teams in Kamsack today after school.