Period One -- ELA 20
Students continued working on their TV programs. They were expected to be finished, or nearly finished with the template or 'blueprint' for their programs.
Period Three -- ELA 10
Students were given the class to finish up their persuasive essay on whether or not our environment truly is in trouble like some believe. The idea of proofreading was HIGHLY recommended.
Period Four -- ELA 9
Students were given a Grammar Assignment (Lesson's 61, 62 & 63 -- colons, semi - colons and hyphens). These are due tomorrow.
Period Five -- ELA 9
The questions based on Act III; Scenes I - III of 'Romeo and Juliet' were discussed and corrected. Students were then given an extending activity in which they were to look at Juliet's extended oxymoron about Romeo and point out what she is actually saying about him, both positively and negatively.
Period Six -- ELA 20
Work Period
Period Seven -- Social 20
Notes of the differing perspectives used to deal with problems were completed. After that, we started to look at methods of evaluating the different approaches to solving a problem.
Congrats to both the Senior Boys and Girls Basketball teams for good performances this weekend at Regional Play - Off's. Unfortunately no representation from Norquay at Hoopla this year...but there's always next year...
Have a good night.