Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
After some silent reading, we corrected the Grammar Assignment that was given on Friday in my absence. Look forward to continuing with "Romeo & Juliet" tomorrow.

Periods Two/Three -- ELA 10
Seeing as we are currently in the midst of three assignments, both periods were given to work on these activities. Tomorrow will mark a new day and the introduction of the theme of "Decisions -- Action or Apathy?"

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
We collected our indiviudal 'propoganda' assignments. We also took some notes on Pressure Groups. After that an activity was given which involved Current Events from this past weekend.

Period Five -- Social Studies 20
A review of last class was had in which we looked back at the differences between wealth and poverty. After establishing the fact that some aspects of culture, namely advertising, work to perpetuate the myth that the more you have the wealthier and better your life will be, we took a quick look at some practices advertisers use.
An activity similar to Social 10 was given relating to Current Events.

Period Six -- Social Studies 30
Assignments from Friday on Political Systems were collected. Notes were taken regarding Political Discourse, or the language of politics. The Current Events assignment was also given to this group.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Speeches were the topic of the day. Introductory paragraphs were worked on. These will be handed in, and tinkered with to ensure they serve their purpose of capturing the attention of the audience.

Later, Mr. Morin