Period One -- ELA 10
We were given the period to ensure that the details of our reality programs were together and ready to be put together into a presentable manner. If done, students were allowed to read ahead in "The Cage"
Period Two -- ELA 20
We started our debate in which each side had an opportunity to present their side of the argument. The remainder of class time was used to get their rebuttal's together.
Period Three -- ELA 10
We were given time to go to the library to work on our Power Points or whatever presentable manner we are choosing to put our Reality Program into. The due date for these assignments is yet to be determined but I am looking at the last week prior to Christmas to be used for presentations. Also, you can expect your assignment possibilites regarding "The Cage" to be given later this week or early next week.
Period Four -- Social 30
The class was given to research our assignments. One more period will be given for sure and possibly more pending on work ethic in the time given. No homework.
Period Five -- ELA 20
Work continued on the debate. No homework.
Period's Six & Seven -- ELA 9
The first class was silent reading. Period Seven saw a discussion on Turning Points and an assignment in which the short story "Coffee, Snacks, Worms" is to be read along with questions 1, a,b,c. This is homework for tomorrow.