Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 9th -- Day Six

Period One: CW 20
Only a partial period as the first twenty minutes was an assembly in the gym recognizing last year's honor students. Thanks to the Norquay Co - op for their continued support in the recognition of academic excellence.
Regardless, when we returned to class students were given what was left to complete their descriptive paragraphs.

Period Two: History 10
Students shared the lists they generated of social organizations in existence. They then chose one that they believe is of considerable importance. They are to do some minor research about their chosen organizaton. Time will be given Monday to complete this.

Period Three: ELA B10
Once students were done drafting the rough copy of their 'Bucket Lists' they were to revise them themselves looking for errors and possible ways to improve their work. Following this they were to share their work with a friend who was to look for the same criteria.

Period Four: CW20
The descriptive paragraphs were collected. For fun, they were read in class to determine if we could use the descriptions written to determine what object they were talking about. There were some great examples of descriptive writing that came forth. Well done!

Period Five: History 20
We reviewed yesterday in terms of the Dual Alliance and the actions of Russia regarding this alliance. We then looked at the Reinsurance Treaty between Germany and Russia, the Triple Alliance which involved the addition of Italy, as well as the problems with fighting a two - front war. Students were then asked to begin a timeline of the key steps taken by Otto von Bismarck as he worked to strengthen and protect his young country in the late 1800's.

Periods Six & Seven: ELA B10
Students were given time to publish the good copies of their 'Bucket Lists'. These are due on Monday.