Welcome back for the start of another exciting school year. Here is to 2011/2012 being a fantastic year at Norquay School for all students, staff and parents.
As to be expected, a lot of today was to go over expectations, outlines, etc.
All students will be coming home with forms in the next day or so. These forms which include school fees, registration, field trip consent and so on need to be signed and returned ASAP! We would like to see these no later than the end of next week if at all possible.
In terms of my classes today:
Period Three: History 30
A Pre - Course quiz was given to the students. Essentially, this material may be unknown to them today but should be second nature to them by the end of June,2012.
Period Four: ELA B10
Outlines and expectations were discussed.
Period Five: History 10
Rather than dive right into the material for the course, we tested our critical thinking skills with some brain teasers. For next class (Tuesday) students are to identify what they believe to be the four stages of life.
Period Six: ELA 10
We reviewed the pertinent information regarding paragraph writing from last year. Students were asked to brainstorm a minimum of eight activities that they would put on their 'Bucket List'. This will lead into a writing assignment which students will learn more of in the future.
Period Seven: ELA 9
Outlines and expectations were discussed. We then dove headfirst into Language Power. Lesson's #1, 2, and 3 are due for tomorrow.
Be sure to check the white board outside the office for important meetings and happenings in an around the school. A lot of school activities will be starting in the first week including golf, volleyball, cross country, SRC and more.