Period One: Creative Writing 20
The assignments from Friday (Advertising) were collected. From there the students were asked to imagine their dream life twenty five years from today. They are to writie a story which describes their life in 2036 as well as discuss how they got to live the life they are at that time.
Period Two: History 10
We reviewed the basic ideas of a patriarchal society, a traditional Aboriginal society and a liberal democratic society. We determined that Canada would fall under the classification of being a liberal democratic society, and discussed the factors that made this reality. We then took a closer look at decision making and political decision making within traditional Aborignal societies with an emphasis on the Iroquain Confederacy.
Period Three: ELA B10
Students were asked to read to the end of Chapter Six in 'The Cage'. Once done they were given an assignment on the said chapters which is due tomorrow.
Period Four: Creative Writing 20
Students were given the period to work on the assignment given earlier today.
Period Six and Seven: ELA B10
Students were given time to complete the questions and extensio given earlier this morning. We also introduced a major assignment for 'The Cage'. Over the course of the novel, they are to take the position of Riva and write a series of journal entries that discuss her feelings/hopes/dreams/fears, etc. They were given two points in the novel from which they were to create an entry: one at the conclusion of Chapter Three when Mrs. Gruber allows all of their stuff to be taken, the tree cut down and basically turns her back on them. Secondly, they are to write one at the conclusion of Chapter Six when the Nazi's take Mama away while leavin Riva and her three younger brothers to fend for herself.