Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 23rd -- Day Three

Period One -- English 10
We had a pop - quiz on Chapter's eleven and twelve of "The Chrysalids"
Time was given to work on Remembrance Day Writing

Period Two -- English 20
Time was given to either read the novel or work on Remembrance Day Writing. Note: If you are not nearing completion of Remembrance Day Writing, you may want to do some work outside of the classroom as few, if anu further class time will be given.

Period Three -- English 10
We started to take a look at plagiarism and ways to avoid it. A three paragraph composition is to be written on a topic which you feel that you are knowledgable in.
Homework: Three paragraph composition

Period Four -- Social Studies 30
We had a Current Events discussion
We discussed the timelines on key events in eastern Canada. Following the discussion, the assignments were collected.
We then began to discuss key events in the development of western Canada, namely Louis Riel, Batoche, Red River, etc.
There MAy or may not be a Pop - Quiz on the development of western Canada tomorrow.

Period Five -- English 20
We talked about the themes within the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". The four themes are Prejudice, Growing Up, Small Town Life & it's Social Relationships and Justice. Ideas/events/characters are to be brought up that tie into these respective themes.
Homework: Complete the theme chart.

Periods Six & Seven -- English 9
We spent some time attaining research information on Remembrance Day.
Lessons 19 & 20 in Language Power were corrected.
Time was given to get going on Remembrance Day Writing.
Homework: Read Ch. 8 of "The Outsiders"

Have a good night. Go Oilers!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 22nd -- Day Two

Period One -- English 20
The period was used to either work on Remembrance Day Writing or read "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Period Three -- English 10
The notion of plagiarism was discussed.
Information was discussed and shared in regards to Canada's contributions to WWI, WWII and the Korean War.

Period's Four & Five -- English 9
Remembrance Day Writing was introduced. The essay must be no less than 350 words in length and no more than 500. If you choose to write a poem as well, it can be no less than 16 lines long and no less than 32.
Lesson's 19 and 20 were assigned in Language Power
Homework: Lesson's 19 and 20 in Language Power are due tomorrow.
"The Outsiders" must be read by next Friday, October 31st.

Period Six -- English 20
You are to assume you are a member of the jury in the Tom Robinson trial. As a juror, what would you share other jurors in terms of a verdict. Be sure to use the evidence brought up to support your conclusion. This should be up to a page in length.
Homework: Writing assignment as a juror in the Robinson Trial

Period Seven -- Social Studies 20
Current Events discussion -- newsworthy item of the day...the Canadian dollar is once again worth less than .80 American.
Shared our research on World War II atrocities.
Discussed other facts relating to World War II and lack of human rights, namely acts of genocide and the death toll of civilians.
Homework: None.

Have a good night. My NHL prediction for the night -- Oilers 4 Blackhawks 2

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Link

Some interesting facts and information about Canadian involvement in the World Wars is available in the new link labelled "Remembrance Day". You may find some good information to help you get started on your Remembrance Day Writing.

Tuesday, Oct. 21st -- Day One

Period One -- Social Studies 20
We discussed Current Events....big newsworthy item of the day -- Stephane Dion's potentially stepping down as Liberal leader after a bismal performance in last week's election.
We went to the library to research some atrocities of World War II which took place in the countries of Poland, Germany and the Soviet Union.
Homework: Be done research on minimum of six atrocities; two from each nation for tomorrow.

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
We discussed and corrected questions pertaining to Social Change in British North America and the Constitutional Act.
We started a timeline of major events in Canadian history starting from the arrival of Europeans in 1608 through to the rebellion's that didn't exactly succeed in both Upper and Lower Canada in the 1830's. You are to point out the key events on the timeline and briefly describe how you believe they have helped to shape the history of our nation.
Homework: Timeline is due for Thursday

Period Three -- Social Studies 10
We went over a handout which discussed ideas such as the responsibilites of our government(s), the checks and balances used to ensure there is not an abuse of power by our government officials, and the purpose of the media, the Constitution and Charter of Rights & Freedoms.
Homework: None

Period Four -- English 20
We completed viewing "Men of Valour" and were given the remainder of the period to work on our Remembrance Day writing.
Homework: None

Period Five -- English 20
We discussed Chapter 18 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" which dealt with more information relating to the Tom Robinson Trial.
Homework: You must have the novel read in its entirety by next Day One (Wednesday, Oct. 29th)

Period Six -- English 10
Time was given to work on Remembrance Day Writing.
Homework: You have read to the end of Chapter 12 in "The Chrysalids" for Thursday, Oct. 23rd. HINT: There may be a pop quiz on Thrusday on Chapter's eleven and twelve.

Period Seven -- English 9
Most of the period was spent in the library for a presentation on some new novels.
Homework: Questions and Extension Activities on "The Outsiders" which was due for today will be collected tomorrow.

Good luck to our Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball team today after school!


Congratulations to the Knights Jr. Boys Volleyball team who qualified for districts in Yorkton this weekend as the #1 seed. Well done.

Magazine Sales

Just a reminder to all that Monday, October 27th will be the last collection day for magazine sales. Remember, $15, 000 and my gorgeous locks are gone.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, Oct. 20th -- Day Six

Period One -- Social Studies 20
Current Events discussion
Discussed and corrected questions on Totalitarian States
"A Social Catastrophe" - If you were the leader of a country in dismal shape following a war, how would you seek to rectify things for the country and its citizens?
Discussed the similarities and differences between Fascism, Communism and Nazism
Homework: None

Period Two -- English 10
Started work on the second assignment of your "Time Capsule". You are to reflect back on your time on earth? What were your hopes, fears, ambitions? What hopes, fears and ambitions do you hold for future generations?
Homework: None

Period Three -- English 20
Remembrance Day Writing was assigned. You MUST write an essay, and have the option of writing a poem for extra - credit. The minimum requirements are no less than 500 words for the essay and no more than 16 lines for the poem. You can not write for than 800 words or 32 lines.
Homework: Read Ch. 19 of "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Period Four -- Grade Nine English
Questions and Extension Activities were assigned for Ch. 6 of "The Outsiders"
Homework: Ch. 6 Questions and Extension Activites for "The Outsiders"

Period Five -- English 10
Remebrance Day Writing was assigned. You MUST write an essay and can write a poem if you wish for extra marks. The essay must be a minimum of 500 words and no more than 800. The poem can be no less than 16 lines and no more than 32.

Period Six -- English 20
Watched "Men of Valour" to both help and inspire you to come up with your Remembrance Day topics.
Homework: None

Period Seven -- Social Studies 10
We went against the grain and watched "Men of Valour" as an inspiration for Remembrance Day Writing.

Have a great night.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17th...Day Five

Period One -- Grade Nine English
Corrected Language Power Lessons 17 & 18
Homework: Read Chapter Seven of "The Outsiders"

Period's Two and Three -- Grade Ten English
Wrote an exam. With any luck they should be returned to you by Monday.
Homework: None

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
Mock Parliament. This went well. Thanks to all who made the effort to get involved and let their opinions be heard.
Homework: None

Period Five -- Social Studies 30
Just a homework period as most students were absent at the SADD Conference in Regina

Period Six -- Social Studies 20
Assigned some questions on Totalitarianism.
Homework: Questions on Totalitarianism

Period Seven -- Grade Eleven English
Collected questions from Chapters 14 - 16 of To Kill a Mockingbird
Discussed Chapter Seventeen (Tom Robinson Trial; holes in Bob Ewell's story)
Homework: Work towards completing the novel.

Have a great weekend!! Go Riders! Go Oilers!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Welcome to my Blog! The purpose behind its creation is to serve as a communication tool between myself and my students and their families. At the end of each day, I will post what was done in each class as well as provide dates to remember within the school. These will include homework deadlines, tests/quizzes and any other information relevant to the classes I teach.
At the same time, as one of our schools SRC (Student Representative Council) Advisors, I will also use this to remind our school family of important dates in that regard. It may also be used as a forum for recognizing outstanding contributions by students, staff and parents that help to make Norquay School the best that it can be.