Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17th...Day Five

Period One -- Grade Nine English
Corrected Language Power Lessons 17 & 18
Homework: Read Chapter Seven of "The Outsiders"

Period's Two and Three -- Grade Ten English
Wrote an exam. With any luck they should be returned to you by Monday.
Homework: None

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
Mock Parliament. This went well. Thanks to all who made the effort to get involved and let their opinions be heard.
Homework: None

Period Five -- Social Studies 30
Just a homework period as most students were absent at the SADD Conference in Regina

Period Six -- Social Studies 20
Assigned some questions on Totalitarianism.
Homework: Questions on Totalitarianism

Period Seven -- Grade Eleven English
Collected questions from Chapters 14 - 16 of To Kill a Mockingbird
Discussed Chapter Seventeen (Tom Robinson Trial; holes in Bob Ewell's story)
Homework: Work towards completing the novel.

Have a great weekend!! Go Riders! Go Oilers!