Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday, December 5th -- Day One

Period One -- Social 20
Current Events discussion...we are getting fewer and fewer each day.
We discussed the factors that have effected death and fertility rates over the course of time starting in the Middle Ages. We had a good discussion about how birth and death rates have an uncanny ability to offset themselves over time.
Homework: NONE

Period Two -- Social 30
I broke down and gave the kids one more period to get some work done on their research paper. There will be absolutely NO more class time given. They are due Thursday, December 11th.

Period Three -- Social 10
We looked at some of the reasons why immigrants would have chosen to leave their home country for another country. We then looked at two economic systems that exist, capitalism and marxism. Class consensus was that Capitalism was far more preferential than Marxism. We then used this reality to discuss if the automakers seeking bailouts fit appropriately with the realities of capitalism.
Homework: None

Period Four -- ELA 20
We went to the library to get some background information on our topics for Persuasive Essays.

Period Five -- ELA 20
We used our research from period four to start putting these papers together.

Period Six -- ELA 10
A class used to read ahead in the novel "The Cage"

Period Seven -- ELA 9
After silent reading, movie posters were collected. After that, Lessons 31, 32 & 33 were assigned in Language Power. Homework: Grammar Assignment.

Thanks to Brittany and Alyssa for all their help in sorting and distributing school clothing.
Good luck to the Sr. Girls Basketball team in Central Butte this weekend!!!

Period Four --