Period One -- ELA 10
We read a collection of letters entitled "Letters from Vietnam" which deal with a soldiers experiences and letters home during the Vietnam conflict. We tried to discuss the challenges this individual, and others like him would experience. Homework: NONE
Period Two -- Social 30
We researched for our research assignment. One more period will probably be given. Homework: NONE
Period Five -- Social 30
Current Events discussion brought up the potential coalition gaining interest in Parliament. We returned to our large groups from last day and completed our large concept webs which should be done for tomorrow.
Period Six -- ELA 9
After some silent reading, we collected the homework related to the story "Coffee, Snacks, Worms". We then started an assignment in which we are making the poster for a movie given the assumption that one of the stories we have read is being turned into a film. Homework: NONE
Period Seven -- ELA 20
Getting ready for the final stages of the debate which is set for tomorrow.