Period One -- ELA 10
Assignments were collected from the assignment we did relating to the poem "The Road not Taken". After that we read a poem entitled "Ex - Basketball Player" and did the following activities: 1) Write a brief summary -- what is the poem about? 2) In your opinion, what is the most important line(s) in the poem? Why? 3) Is Flick Webb a winner or a loser? Explain.
Period Two -- ELA 20
We read a short story entitled "The Moose and the Sparrow" and answered the following questions: 1) What is the source of the feud between Moose and Cecil? 2) Do you think that Cecil is brave or stupid for choosing to stay? Explain. 3) What has happened in the end? Is this justice? Explain. HOMEWORK: The Moose and the Sparrow
Period Three -- ELA 10
After some silent reading, we defined the term chivalry. We then took some time to make a list of actions/behaviors that we consider to be chivalrous in nature. We also tried to come up with a personal definition of the terms 'hero' and 'honorable'. This will make more sense tomorrow as the story we are going to read deals with thest concepts. HOMEWORK: None
Period Four -- Social 30
Reminder that the research assignment is due Thursday by no later than 2:30 (early dismissal). If not in by Friday at the latest, it will be zero. Handout on the standard of living in Canada was given with eleven questions that needed to be completed. Homework: Questions
Period Five -- ELA 20
After s few minutes to finish up questions for "The Moose and the Sparrow", the novel "Far from Shore" was distributed. This will be the independent novel study that students are to comlpete on their own given only a few classes to read, no assignments other than the culminating assignment which will presumably be due shortly after Christmas holidays.
Periods Six & Seven -- ELA 9
Assignments were returned (short stories & Movie posters). From this point, the assignment based on "G. Trueheart: Man's Best Friend" were collected. Letters were then given to be read and a response needs to be completed by each student. Homework: None
Congrats to the Jr. Basketball teams for great efforts yesterday vs. Canora.
Good luck to the Sr. Basketball teams today as they host Canora.
Have a great night.