Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday, December 17th -- Day Three

Apologies for no post yesterday...away sick.

Period One -- ELA 10
We continued to work on our assignments based on "The Cage". These are due on Monday, January 5th

Period Two -- ELA 20
We read the novel "Far From Shore" Assignments are due on Friday, January 9th.
I suggest that some of you take the novel home to read over the holidays. It will save some time racing to get things done the first week back.

Period Three -- ELA 10
Same as Period One

Period Four -- Social 30
We took some notes on the economic developments that have historically taken place in Canada, with a bit of an emphasis on its impacts on the west.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Same as Period Two

Period Six/Seven -- ELA 9
We corrected quite a bit of Grammar. We were given time to finish up two things:
A) Santa Letters
B) The Leaving

Have a good night...two more days till Break!