Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15th -- Day Six

Period One/Two: ELA 10
After some silent reading, we discussed the first half of the short story "The Third Floor Flat" which was to be done for today. Students had an opportunity to share their ideas as to who might be the killer in the story. From this point, students were asked to read the remainder of the story as well as complete some questions and activities related to the story. Students should also be working to know the details of their chosen ghost story as they will be told orally on Monday.

Period Three: ELA 9
We started with some silent reading. From there, a quiz date was set for a short exam on what has been studied thus far in terms of writing; namely the Writing Process, Elements of an Effective Paragraph, Strategies for effective topic sentences, purposes for writing, as well as RAFTS (prompting). We then took a closer look at what the acronym RAFTS (Role, Audience, Format, Topic, Strong Verb) was all about.

Period Four: ELA 20
A discussion was had in regards to Budge Wilson's short story "The Metaphor" and a writing assignment assigned earlier in the year was collected. An assignment was then given that involved some questions and extension activities associated with Chapters One & Two of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Period Five: History 20
We looked back on the realities that made fighting a two - front war a realistic possibility for Germany. We then started an assignment in which each student is to create their own military strategy that they think would help eliminate Germany having to fight this two - front war. Students were asked to not only create a plan but also to explain why their plan would be successful.

Period Six: ELA 10
A class to complete any English homework, get caught up in other classes or read quietly.

Period Seven: History 30
After a Current Events discussion, we finished watching the first episode of Canda: A People's History, "When the World Began".


Good luck to the Senior Girls Volleyball team who is off to Invermay this weekend.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin