Period One: ELA 9
After a few minutes of silent reading, to start the class. From that point, the paragraphs that were due today were collected. The paragraphs were an introduction to a paragraph writing unit which we then started by looking at the steps in the Writing Process. We took a close look at step #1 -- Pre - Writing. At this step you think of potential topics, and use a concept web to think of potential ideas that you could write about on that particular topic. For tomorrow they were asked to come up with concept webs, or pre - writing for three potential topics.
Period Three: ELA 20
A homework check was done to ensure the homework (Pre - Writing) was done as was assigned. From this point, students were asked to reduce their list from eight or more to four, and being to draft four paragraphs explaining who and why they would like to have dinner with. The drafts are not due for tomorrow but some progress is expected.
Period Four: ELA 10
After some silent reading, students were given the period to work on the draft of their "Bucket List". These need to be done tomorrow.
Period Five: History 20
After a brief Current Events discussion, the questions from yesterday were marked as a class. We then discussed individually what we would do if we were the Russian leader following the Congress of Berlin in 1878. A lot of good answers came up and ones that were very logical and demonstrated use of knowledge gained in previous classes. Well done!!! We then continued on with our study of events leading up to World War I by looking at Germany and Austria - Hungary's Dual Alliance -- the terms and reasons behind the agreement.
Period Six: ELA 10
We shifted gears from writing and started to look at the first theme of study for the year, "The Unknown". Afer a discussion on what is meant by the term "unknown" we brainstormed some potential topics that might arise in a study of this theme. We also tried our best to define what be felt a legend was. A lot of good ideas came up in this discussion. That led into the introduction of Pauline Johnson's poem "The Legend of the Qu'Appelle Valley". Students are to read this poem and complete three questions for tomorrow.
Period Seven: Math 7
We began by collecting the multiplacation charts that were to be completed for today. We then took a look at the problems that were assigned last day. For the most part, these were very well done, not only to come up with the correct answer but also their ability to explain the steps they took to reach that answer.
We then reviewed long division by doing a couple of examples together. For homework, a short long division assignment was given. This should be done for tomorrow.
Other News:
Boy's Volleyball meeting (Jr. and Sr.) tomorrow at recess in Mr. Rostotski's room
Anyone interested in joining S.A.D.D.???? There will be a meeting on Tuesday, September 7th in Mrs. Dyck's room.
Anyone interested in writing the school report that appears in the Kamsack Times is to see Mr. Henderson.
Nomination forms for Executive Positions on the SRC are due by tomorrow at 3:30
Other than that...have a great night!!
Mr. Morin