Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th -- Day Four

Period One: History 30
After a very short Current Events discussion, the assignments from yesterday were collected and discussed. The discussion rotated on the pro's and con's of policies of assimilation and accomodation towards the French. A handout was then given which discussed some issues that brought about tension and hostility within North America. Some questions were assigned in conjunction with this handout. They are due tomorrow. We will also look at the events that brought about a need for change in the British policies as they related to French Canadians in the 1770's.

Period Two: ELA 9
The end is near....Spelling section of CAT - 4 exam was done today. Something different on the agenda for tomorrow as we will not be returning to the CAT - 4 exam until Day Two when we have time to complete the one hour Math section.

Period Three/Four: ELA 20
The questions based on Chapters Five & Six of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' were discussed as a class. Time was then given to work on the extension activity that was based on these chapters.
At the beginning of Period Four, a discussion on 'first impressions' was had. Students need to be more actively involved in future discussions. Students were then asked to read R.P. McIntyre's short story "The Rink". The story and corresponding assignment are due for tomorrow.

Period Five: Math 7
The homework assignment from yesterday was corrected as a class. A few more examples were done on the board as a refresher. Students were then assigned the following for tomorrow:
Pages 18 & 19 - - Questions # 4, 9 and 10 as well as The Explore and Example on Pages 20 & 21.

Period Six: ELA 20
This was our once a six day cycle work/read/homework/catch up class.

Period Seven: ELA 10
After a few minutes of silent reading, the questions and extension activity for "The Chrysalids". Students were then assigned Chapters 3 & 4 for tomorrow.


Congratulations to the Senior Girls Volleyball team who defeated both K.C.I and Sturgis yesterday after school.

Good Luck to Junior Volleyball teams who will host Sturgis after school.

The final is set for the Norquay Flag Football League. In yesterday's semi - final, the Selects defeated the Nukem's 26 - 8 to earn a shot at the title. The final will be played next week as teh Selects tackle the Special K's.

Drama pre - auditions are today after school. See Mr. Chorneyko for more information.

Have a great night,

Mr. Morin