Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, October 18th -- Day Four

Period One: History 30
A pretty good Current Events discussion started the class. We then took the time to ensure we all had the necessary handouts required for this class as an exam has been set for next Friday. From there we looked at the collision of the worldviews between the oligarchies (elite) and reformers (common man) in terms of decision making and day to day running of British North America. Students were given a short assignment to complete on this topic that is due for tomorrow. The handout with this information is available on my Wiki.

Period Two: ELA 9
Following some silent reading, assignments based on the short story "Borders" was collected. We then took the time to look at some pictures that are being used as Self - Portraits. Further investigation and discussion led us to identify a great deal more about the artist than originally thought; ideas such as culture, famliy history, personal attributes, etc. As such students were asked to start thinking about how they would share this type of information through art. They are to begin their own self portrait tomorrow.

Period Three/Four: ELA 20
Period Three was set aside for students to work on their Autobiography assignment. While it is not due until January, it is my strong recommendation to be working on this assignment between now and then as leaving an assignment of this size to the last minute will make it that much more difficult.
Period Four saw us orally correct the questions related to Chapters Nine & Ten of "To Kill a Mockingbird". We then discussed the events of Chapter Eleven which brought us to the conclusion of Part One of the novel. As such an exam for Part One and othet literature was set for this Friday. A review and outline will come tomorrow.

Period Five: Math 7
The assignment based on 1.6 was collected. We looked at reading and writing equations. After some drill and practice as a class, Pages. 36/37 were assigned for tomorrow.

Period Six: ELA 20
This is our once in a six day cycle class to read/catch up/do homework.

Period Seven: ELA 10
We collected the Research Assignments that were due today. Some are still outstanding and need to be handed in as soon as possible. Chapter Six/Seven questions and the extending activity are due for tomorrow.


A very good weekend for the Norquay School Athletics. Our Senior Girls placed second at a tournament in Canora; the Junior Boys lost in the Semi - Final's in Kamsack. Tyrell Newcombe placed 32nd in Midget Boys at Provincial Cross Country. Edward Altman placed 46th in the same race. Congratulations to all of our sporting programs on a vey succesful weekend.

The Junior Boys will look to continue with their good luck today as they travel to Kamsack to take on K.C.I.

Tomorrow is the second of four magazine collection dates. Any orders can be handed into your homeroom teacher tomorrow.

This is Education Week throughout the province. A spirit week is taking place in conjunction with the week's activities. Tomorrow is Celebrity Day; dress as your favorite celebrity but please keep it school appropriate.

A yearbook meeting will take place tomorrow at 12:30 in the Home Ec. Lab.

Today and tomorrow will see the second round of Drama auditions take place. See the schedule outside of the I.A. shop to see when you are scheduled in.

Lastly, a depressing weekend to be a Rider Fan but let's not lose faith........

Have a great night,

Mr. Morin