Period One: History 30
We started by reviewing the collision of worldviews between the reformers and oligarchies in both Upper and Lower Canada in the early twentieth century. We then looked at some of the specific problems that existed in each of the colonies. An assignment based on this information was given out as well. Also the propoganda assignments were collected. Those still yet to hand theirs in should do so no later than tomorrow. The handout if needed is available on my Wiki.
Period Two: ELA 9
After some silent reading, students were given one last class to work on their Remembrance Day Writing. This is due for Monday.
Period Three/Four: ELA 20
We started be returning the exams based on Part One of "To Kill a Mockingbird". I would just like to say that these exams were done very well by all as a 79% class average would attest. We then talked about some of the reasons why youth disagree with their parents, and some strategies they presently use or have used in the past as a means of getting their way. This lead into a reading of James Collier's essay "How to Do Battle with Grown - Ups" which needs to be read for tomorrow. Students were also asked to pick out Collier's four main points from the essay.
Period Five: Math 7
We corrected the assignment based on Lesson 1.8 as a class. To ensure all is well, an additional two questions, #15 and 16 were assigned for tomorrow.
Period Six: ELA 20
This was our once a cycle read/homework/catch up period.
Period Seven: ELA 10
We discussed Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Tell Tale Heart" and watched short animated version of the story. We then discussed the events of chapters 8, 9, and 10 of "The Chrysalids". The Venn diagram which compares/contrasts Uncle Axel with Joseph Strorm is due for tomorrow.
A big thank you to all students who brought in magazine sales today. The total sales exceeds $12, 000 which means it looks like my legs will be waxed at some point in the near future. Teachers Mr. Chapman and Mr. Rostotski can also expect a pie in the face soon.
School clothing will continue to be sold this week. It is available to try on and purchase on Thursday and Friday at lunch in Mr. Morins room.
Have a great night,
Mr. Morin