Period One: History 30
We started the class by discussing the questions from yesterday's discussion on the differences between the Reformers and Oligarchies and their view of how the political process should be carried out. We then moved onto look at some of the factors that helped to ensure the Oligarchy maintain most of the control and power which included electoral practices and and restrictions on certain portions of the population from equal access to involvement in the decision making process. Notes are available on my Wiki.
Period Two: ELA 9
We started with some silent reading. Students were then given some paper on which they are to create their personal essay in pictures and images as opposed to words. This is not due for tomorrow.
Period Three/Four: ELA 20
Period Three started with the distribution of questions and activities based on yesterday's short story "Penny in the Dust" by Ernest Buckler. These questions are due tomorrow. At the onset of Period Four, Remembrance Day writing was introduced. Students were assigned the writing of an essay on this topic which neds ot be no less than 500 words in length and no more than 800.
Penny in the Dust activities are due tomorrow.
Period Five: Math 7
We spent this period correcting Lesson 1.6.
Period Six: ELA 10
Students were given the option of either reading ahead in `The Chrysalids`or starting on their Remembrance Day literature.
Period Seven: Math 7
This period started with the use of manipulatives (tiles) to solve algebraic equations. After a couple of examples done together as a class, Page 41, #1 a,b,c,d,e,f were assigned for Thursday.
The Junior Boys Volleyball team travelled to Kamsack yesterday and won fours sets against their opponents from K.C.I.
Education Week continues tomorrow. Our spirit day is Anti - Bully Day. Staff and students are encouraged to wear pink or white to show their support against bullying. The Grade 7 - 12 students will also watch a video in the gym on bullying.
Have a great night,
Mr. Morin