Period One: History 30
Following a short Current Events discussion, a handout detailing the expectations and requirements for the 'Great Canadian' research assignment was distributed and discussed. A review of how to properly reference certain sources in a bibliography was done. A review of the material that started Unit Two was undertaken, followed by a look at the American Threat to British North America during the mid 1800's.
Period Two: ELA 9
As a homework check, students were asked to write a one paragraph summary of the events of Chapter Five which was to be read for today. Following that, students were assigned Lessons #24, 25 of Language Power. These are to be completed for tomorrow.
Period Three/Four: ELA 20
We started with a Jeopardy! style review of the novel. Congrats to the winners, Skyler Griffith and April Jacquemart. Following that, a brief discussion was had in regards to the five themes that appear in the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. They are (1) Prejudice (2) Growing Up (3) Small Town Life and Social Relationships (4) Justice and (5) Good vs. Evil. Students are to choose one theme and in an essay of no less than 500 words discuss it and how we see it play out in the novel. The essay is tentatively due for next Friday, December 3rd.
Period Five: Math 7
This period was given to complete the assignment given yesterday. The entire assignmnet is due for tomorrow.
Period Six: ELA 20
This is the once in a six day cycle period to work on whatever the students need to be working on.
Period Seven: ELA 10
This was the last class time given this week to work on their Great Adventure.
Senior Boys Basketball practice is cancelled for today. A meeting of all those interested in playing this year will take place tomorrow morning at 10:30 in Mr. Morin's room. As of right now, I would consider the season to be somewhat in jeopardy.
Junior Teams practice tomorrow after school.
Thursday is Rider Day..wear GREEN!!!
Have a great night,
Mr. Morin