Period One: ELA 9
After some silent reading, we corrected the Language Power lessons from yesterday. We then reviewed Robert Frost's poem "The Road not Taken" and brainstormed everyday examples of individuals choosing to take the path less travelled. This led to the assigning of the shortest short story ever "Acceptance" along with some response activities. These are due for tomorrow.
Period Three: ELA 20
The first chapters of Part Two of "To Kill a Mockingbird" were discussed in detail. Students were given what was left of the period to read on in the novel. I would strongly recommend reading at home as we are running out of school days to complete the novel and culminating activities.
Period Four: ELA 10
The students sold poppies around town.
Period Five: History 20
We reviewed what realities made life at home so difficult for the civilian population during the war. A handout was then given which discussed three main points from 1917, which is arguably the year in which things started to lean in favor of one side. A series of ideas were presented about these events which students were asked to respond to for the next class.
Period Six: ELA 10
Chapter's Ten and Eleven of "The Chrysalids" were discussed and then we moved onto Chapter's Thirteen and Fourteen. Again, time is running out to complete this novel.
Period Seven: Math 7
Unit One is now complete and as such a practice test was assigned that deals with all ideas dealt with in this unit. The assignment which is NOT due for tomorrow is Pages 44, 45 and 46 #'s 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,14. Tomorrow afternoon's class will also be given to complete the assignment.
Have a great night,
Mr. Morin