Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 9th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
1. Students were asked to read the short story entitled "Borders" from Crossroads.
2. Once done they were asked to complete questions #1 a, b as well as #3, which asked them to write a character sketch of the mother from the story. They were reminded that this is not a sketch that describes their appearance, but rather their personality.

Period Two -- ELA 20
1. We turned this into a History class and started by returning the exams that were given Wednesday.
2. We discussed the offensive at the Somme and the situation that the war created on the home fronts.

Period Three -- ELA 20
1. Students were asked to read the short story "A Visit to Grandmother's" for Tuesday.

Period Four -- History 30
1. We discussed the idea of responsible government in Canada at the turn of the 19th century, and some of the realities faced by colonists.
2. These events which led to Rebellions in Canada was discussed, namely with the Issues arising in Upper Canada. This will be continued next week.

Period Six -- ELA 10
1 Discussed "The Monkey's Paw" in detail. What is unknown from this story? Students were asked to ponder this over the weekend.

Have a good weekend.....enjoy the turkey!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 6th -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 10
1. We spent the period in the library researching for our assignments on the "unknown".
There has been no due date set for this assignment as of yet.

Period Two -- History 20
Seeing as several students needed more time to write their math exam, this was used as an ELA period in which students were asked to simply finish reading Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird. There will be an exam on Part One of the novel tomorrow.

Period Three/Four -- ELA 9
1. Students spent the first fifteen minutes reading silently.
2. They were given the remainder to the period to work on their self portrait that is to go with their "I am..." poem
3. In period four, they were assigned pages 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Langauge Power.

Period Five -- ELA 20
1. This period was spent as a review for what needs to be known for tomorrows TKAM exam. As I said today, inability to pass this exam will be a result of lack of effort or inability to keep up to task with assigned readings as it is by no means a difficult exam.

Period Six -- LA 6
1. Spelling Exam # 4

Period Seven -- ELA 20
1. Turned this into History to make up for the lost class this morning. Students were given the option of reading over History for the open book exam to be given tomorrow, or ELA for the To Kill a Mockinbird exam also tomorrow.

I am gone to District X - Country tomorrow in Sturgis with Danielle Turta and Tyrell Newcombe....good luck runners... See you Thursday...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, October 5th -- Day One

Period One -- History 20
1. We were planning to spend approximately twenty minutes in the library looking for sources for our 'mock' research assignments. This turned into the whole class. Bibliographies are due tomorrow.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. After some silent reading, students were asked to create a newspaper articles based on the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" which was read last week. This assignment is due tomorrow.

Period Three -- History 30
1. We talked briefly about the Constitutional Act of 1791 and the changes it brought about for Canada.
2. We finished watching Episode Five -- A Question of Loyalties. This episode deals more or less with the American Revolution and the War of 1812 and the impact that these events have had on our history as a nation.

Period Five -- ELA 20
1. After collecting some assignments due today, students were asked to have read Chapters 10 & 11 for tomorrow's class.

Period Six -- ELA 10
1. We read the first Scene of "The Monkey's Paw" as a group. Students are asked to think about what they have read and make some sort of prediction as to what they believe is going to happen in Act Two.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
1. Students were asked to look at some not so original portraits of others. They were asked to try to come up with some ideas as to what the artist is trying to say about the people beign depicted. After some short discussion, students were asked to create their own self - portrait.

Have a good night.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, Sept. 30th -- Day Four

Period One -- History 30
1. Questions returned on English accomodation/assimilation attempts in regards to the French; collected questions from yesterday dealing with the War of 1812.
2. Watched Canada: A People's History ( A Question of Loyalties) which deals with The American Revolution and the influx of "Loyalists" into Canada.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. We broke away from the CAT - 4 test which have been the majority of our focus the last few days.
2. Students were asked to read the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" out of their Crossroads anthology. They are to read the story and answe questions 1a, b, c & d.

Period Three/Four -- ELA 20
1. Time was given to work on the activities and assignments related to Chapters 6, 7, & 8 of "To Kill a Mockingbird". The assignment involves questions and a newspaper article. The questions were to be done today, the newspaper article is not due tomorrow.

Period Five/Six -- ELA 6
1. After some silent reading, we introduced spelling list #4 -- suffix of 'ed.
2. Pages 12 & 13 of the Spelling book were assigned and due on Friday.
3. Looked at our assignment from last week involving the use of conjunctions.

Period Seven -- ELA 10
1. Students partnered up and worked towards completing an assignment on the poem entitled "The Lady of Shallot". They are not necessarily due for tomorrow but students are expected to have something done.

Have a good night....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 22nd -- Day Four

Period One -- History 30
1. We looked at a number of key events in Canadian history, each of which has shaped the face and story of our nation. Starting with the expulsion of the Acadians through to the Seven Years' War, They Royal Proclamation and Quebec Act.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. Groups got together to share their thoughts/ideas in relation to the assigned poem that they were to read for today.
2. From that point, we met as a large group to share these thoughts and ideas. Through this discussion, we are able to see the viewpoint and perspectives of others as well as attain a stronger understanding of the meaning of each poem. A lot of good ideas came up...well done.

Period Thee -- ELA 20
1. After completion of Chapter Four & Five of "To Kill a Mockingbird", students were assigned some questions based on their understanding of the events.
2. This activity is due tomorrow.

Period Four -- ELA 20
1. What was to be an ELA class got changed to History to enable us to get into the Computer Lab where students continued working on their timeline of events starting with the unification of the German states up to the declarations of war in the summer of 1914.

Period Five/Six -- LA 6
1. Spelling list # 3 was given (-less and -ful suffixes)
2. Pages 10 & 11 of the Spelling book were assigned. These are to be completed for Thursday.
3. We then took a look at conjunctions --what are they? why do we use them? how to use them? An assignment using conjunctions was assigned; this is also due for Thursday.

Period Seven -- ELA 10
1. Students were each given a copy of the poem "Legend of the Qu'Appelle Valley". For tomorrow they are to read the poem stanza by stanze coming up with thoughts and ideas on what they believe is being said in each of the eleven stanzas.

Have a good night.....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, Sept. 21st -- Day Three

Period One --ELA 9
1. Language Power lessons #6, 7 & 8 were corrected.
2. 'I Am...." poems were collected; while not marked yet they look to be very well done.
3. Activites based on the short story "The Jade Peony" were collected as well.
4. Students were numbered and assigned a poem based on their number. They are to read the poem to determine its theme and place in a unit based on the theme of "All That I Am: The Search for Self". This is to be done for tomorrow, at which time we will 'jig - saw' and share our ideas to help us all understand the important ideas behind these pieces of literature.

Period Three -- ELA 20
1. Assignments were collected on figurative language and the short story "The Metaphor".
2. Students were then asked to read Chapters Four & Five of To Kill a Mockingbird for tomorrow.

Period Four -- ELA 10
1. Assignments were collected on "Purposes for Reading".
2. An assignment was introduced whereby students chose a ghost story from the book "Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan". They are to read the story, re - write it from a first person point of view, and prepare to tell it to the class. They will be marked more so on their story - telling ability and speaking abilities than anything else.

Period Five -- History 20
1. Questions and activities were discussed on the preparations leading up to war, the causes of war (aside from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand) and the early days of battle in which the Germans put the Schlieffen Plan into action.
2. A discussion then took place that dealt with the failure of the German warplans and the ensuing stalemate that ensued and the trench warfare that was very characteristic of World War I.
Next time we will take a closer look at life in the trenches and its many adventures.

Period Six -- ELA 10
1. Students were given copies of their chosen ghost stories and given the period to prepare for their presentations.
Tomorrow students can expect to recieve a copy of the rubric by which they are to be marked so that they will know where to put the greatest amount of time and effort.

Period Seven -- History 30
1. Watched "Canada: A People's History" which dealt with the events leading up to the outbreak of the Seven Year's War.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, September 15th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
1. Returned Writing Quizzes from yesterday. Well done for the most part...congratulations to Victoria and Trudy for scoring 100% with an honorable mention ot Rachel with a 97%.
2. We had a discussion as to what makes, specifically things such as ethnicity, activities, interests, beliefs, etc came up. Students were then asked to make a list of at least 24 things that they think helps to make them them. This is due for tomorrow.

Period Two/Three -- ELA 20
1. Students were given an assignment based on Chapter's 2 & 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird. They were given period three to work on these things...not due for tomorrow.
2. Students were given a copy of "The Metaphor" by Budge Wilson and asked to have it read for tomorrow. It must be read as this story will be the basis for an assignment to be completed over the remainder of the week.

Period Four -- History 30
1. Collected paragraphs that were assigned yesterday.
2. Students were given an assignment on the topic of the British approach to dealing with the French people in North America following the Seven Years' War and the ensuing Treaty of Paris which forced the French to give up all possessions in North America.

Reminder to the students attending the Student Leadership Conference in need to bring something pink to wear on 'Anti - Bully' day on Friday as well as non - perishable food item to donate to the food bank.

Have a good night....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, September 14th -- Day Four

Period One -- History 30
1. Finished up notes from last class dealing with the fur trade turning into an effort by Europeans to exploit the resources of the new lands. Why were these goods so valuable? What attributed to the European approach to the land.
2. Handout was given on decision making in colonial North America using New France as the example. From this handout, students were assigned to write two paragraphs; one from a French perspective and one from a First Nation perspective. Essentially they are diary entries on how each individual would feel about life in the colony using information discussed to this point. They are due tomorrow.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. A quiz on everything we have discussed in relation to writing was given. Marked exams will be returned tomorrow.
2. With the remaining time left in class, students were asked to complete the good copy of their paragraphs which is due tomorrow.

Period Three & Four -- ELA 20
1. Students were given the first period to work on the first chapter of their autobiography assignment. For those still seeking background information on grand -parents and so on, this is a reminder to talk to your parents, grand - parents or anyone else who will have knowledge to share in this regard.
2. We read Chapter Two of "To Kill a Mockingbird" as a class. Chapter Three is to be read for tomorrow.

Period Five & Six -- LA 9
1. Spelling List # 2 (Silent Consonants) was given. Students were asked to choose ten words from the list and create an original sentence using one of those ten words.
2. An assignment from the spelling work book was given; #1, 2, 3, 4 and Strategy Spot on Pg. 8/9
3. Students were then asked to pick the favorite of their three List poems from last week. From there, they were to reproduce it as neatly as possible on a blank piece of paper and decorate it with illustrations of the words listed.

Period Seven -- ELA 10
1. Paragraphs were collected, along with illustrations from "The St. Louis Ghost Train".
2. Students were asked to ponder the end of the world, namely how they think the world will end, and what items they would choose to take with them if they knew they were going to survive the end of the world.
3. After the discussion, students were assigned to read "The Portable Phonograph" for Wednesday.

Reminder that tomorrow is the first early dismissal of the year. Unlike last year, students will be dismissed at lunch. This means the town kids can leave at 12:15. Buses will be here at 12:30 to take the rural kids home.

Have a good night....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 10th -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 10
1. Homework check to make sure that each student was done the drafted paragraphs that were due today.....not all were done which needs to change if you want to be successful.
2. From the we worked our way through Steps #3 and #4 of the Writing Process; Editing and Peer Sharing. They were to look at their own work for any errors made or steps they could make in regards to improving their writing. After that they are to share their work with a minimum of two other people who are also looking for errors and steps to improve their writing.
3. The good copies of these paragraphs are due Monday.

Period Two -- History 20
1. We took some notes off of the overhead on terms and ideologies that should help students understand the events leading up to war. They are nationalism, radicalism, and ethnicity along with Social Darwinism, Imperialism and Marxism.
2. A handout was given that needs to be read entitled "The Balkan Powder Keg". This reading underlines the first actual steps leading up to the outbreak of World War I.
3. This handout needs to be read by tomorrow.

Period Three/Four -- ELA 9
1. A homework check was done to make sure that the students were done the concept webs as assigned. Some uncompleted assignments.....must finish to be successful.
2. Students then chose a topic from the three ideas they had generated. They are to write four paragraphs on the topic; a persuasive, a narrative, an informative, a descriptive. Students were given the remainder of these classes to work on the drafts, or rough copies of these paragraphs.

Period Five -- ELA 20
1. We finished reading Chapter One of Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". We had a discussion about what we learned from the first chapter, and what unanswered questions arose.
2. Using the description from the novel, as well as the image they developed in their mind during the reading, students were asked to produce a black and white sketch of what they believe the Radley home to look like.

Period Six -- LA 6
1. Spelling Test #1 (-er words) was given.
2. This took longer than anticipated so students were asked to read until 2:30 once the tests were collected.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
1. Students were given the period to complete their sketches of the Radley home. These are due on Monday but there is no guarantee of class time being given tomorrow.

Reminder to X-Country runners going to Cherrydale for the Run for Peace tomorrow that they need to be at the school by 8:00. Eligibility forms are also due. Good luck to all runners.

Have a good night.....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, September 9th -- Day One

The day started with an assembly in the gymnaisum which recognized the recipients of Honor Roll pins and plaques to the highest average in each grade between 7 - 12 from last year. Congratulations to all winners and thanks to the Norquay Co - op for their support.

Period One -- History 20
1. We corrected the assignment from yesterday pertaining to the alliances and agreement reached amongst the European powers prior to World War I.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. Language Power lessons #3, 4 & 5 were corrected from yesterday. It is imperative that students read instructions prior to completing assignments. Many easy marks were lost today because of this.
2. Paragraphs that were assigned last Friday were collected.
3. We went through the 'Writing Process' naming each step and what is done at each.

Period Three -- History 30
1. An exciting day of notes on Canada as a "Storehouse" of resources. Basically the notes and ensuing discussion revolved around what brought Europeans to North America originally and the business (trade) that evolved as a result.

Period Five -- ELA 20
1. Discussed handout on Introductory activities dealing with the novel "To Kill a Mockinbird". These questions brought up some great discussion...well done.
2. Students were given a copy of Harper Lee's novel and were asked to read Chapter One.

Period Six -- ELA 10
1. We discussed at length Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Tell - Tale Heart". We discussed ideas such as what we imagine the setting to look like in our minds as we read the story, the source of the discontent within the narrator, and we also debated the mental well being of the narrator in the story.
2. Reminder: Drafts of paragraphs are due tomorrow.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
1. After looking at the Writing Process earlier, we dealt exclusively at the first step which is Pre - Writing. At this stage students think of a topic and come up with as many ideas/relevant facts that they know about that topic. Often times these are done through a concept web. We created a concept web on cheese as a class. A very detailed, elaborate concept web was created in a few short minutes...well done.
2. Using their understanding of concept webs, students were asked to create one for three entirely different, unrelated topics. These are due tomorrow.

Have a good night.....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday, September 3rd -- Day Four

Period One -- History 30
1. We watched Episode One of the CBC documentary -- "Canada: A People's History". This episode essentially deals with the way of life in Canada and North America prior to the arrival of Europeans. It helps to demonstrate that First Nations were by no means the savage, lawless troublemakers many have been lead to believe. It also looks at important topics we have discussed thus far in class such as the Iroquois Confederacy, the relationship with the land, and the arrival of Europeans.

Period Two -- ELA 9
1. We looked at the acronym R.A.F.T.S. which is a prompt used for writing. The letters stand for Role, Audience, Format, Topic and Strong Verb.
2. Once the students got comfortable with this system, a prompt was given which asked them to complete a paragraph that is due for tomorrow.

Period Three/Four -- ELA 20
1. We started by moving onto step three of the writing process with our 'supper with ......' assignment. This step is revision so students looked over their writing seeking to find any errors they may have made or for ways in which they could improve their writing.
2. Once this step was done, we continued on to step four, or peer sharing. At this stage students were to share their work with no less than two classmates, who would read, making suggestions and corrections where they saw.
3. A discussion was then had regarding the short story "Penny in the Dust" which was to read for today.

Period Five/Six -- LA 6
1. We started with a spelling assignment related to the list of -er words that was given on Tuesday. Students completed pages 6 & 7 of their studybook.
2. We read the second chapter in the class novel. Students worked on literature responses in their journals both during and after the reading.
3. Introduced the concept behind 'List Poems'. As a class we completed a list poem using the topic of "Things that Ring". Students and parents are reminded that they will be quizzed on the list of -er words next Thursday.

Period Seven -- ELA 10
1. The paragraphs that were due for today were collected.
2. Students were introduced to the last two purposes for writing, those being informative and descriptive. They were then asked to write a paragraph for each purpose. These are to be done for tomorrow.

SRC Executive Elections were held today. After a tie in the Presidential Election this morning, a second round of voting took place this afternoon. The SRC Executive for the 2009/2010 school year is as follows:
President -- Alyssa Grywacheski (Gr. 12)
Vice President -- Allyson Grywacheski (Gr. 11)
Social Director -- Josh Gasdewich (Gr. 12)
Secretary -- Jamie Newberg (Gr. 11)
Member at Large -- Darcy Griffith (Gr. 12)

Congratulations and thank you to all those who ran for a position on this years executive.

Reminded to get any unreturned school forms in ASAP.

Have a good night...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday, September 2nd -- Day Three

Period One -- ELA 9
1. Language Power lessons #1, 2 were corrected from yesterday.
2. Topic sentence assignment was collected; will be returned tomorrow.
3. We looked at the four purposes for writing, those being a) informative or expository b) narrative c) descriptive and d) persuasive

Period Three -- ELA 20
1. We started the class by thinking back to our childhood and trying to come up with our fondest, or most vivid memory of our parents.
2. This lead us to the short story "Penny in the Dust" by Ernest Buckler.
3. This story was to be read as well as some reflection questions answered for tomorrow.

Period Four -- ELA 10
1. We reread the beginning of "The Restless Spirit of Bickleigh". Using the clues, and events of the story, we sought to reach a conclusion, or explanation as to the 'untold' story of this spirit. The students were very close in the explanation or theory they reached in comparison to the one given in the book....Well done!

Period Five -- History 20
1. We began to look at the events that lead up to the outbreak of World War I. This class was devoted to looking at the actions of Germany from just prior to their unification through to the Dual Alliance signed with Austria-Hungary in 1879. Next day will see us continue to look at the action of Germany leading up to 1900.
2. Students have been asked to make a continuing timeline of major events that are discussed in class which they believe will have an impact as time progresses. They have also been asked to keep a chart of all the alliances that are formed leading up to World War I, which nations were involved and when that agreement was signed.

Period Six -- ELA 10
1. We took a closer look at narrative and persuasive writing.
2. Students were then asked to put this knowledge to work and create two original paragraphs, one that serves each purpose.

Period Seven -- History 20
1. We reviewed and discussed the activities from last classes handout. This dealt with events which impact and alter the manner in which a society operates such as natural disasters, recessions, pandemics, etc. We also talked about how First Nations societies were forever altered with the arrival of Europeans, as well as what made North America so appealing to Europeans looking for new colonies around the globe.
2. We then looked at the differences that existed between First Nation and European societies in terms of decision making processes. The big difference was the hierarchical nature of European societies compared to the inclusive nature of the First Nations, in particular the Iroquois Confederacy who had their own constituion and right of all individuals laid out hundreds of years age.
3. Finally a look at our relationship with the land, and how these relationships are affected by realities such as geography and climate.
4. Some questions were assigned to get students thinking about the impact of geography and climate along with the ways in which our proximity to the United States has had a lasting impact.

Have a good night.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, September 1st -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 10

1. The paragraphs that were collected yesterday were returned. Each student had strengths in their writing which gives us a starting point to build off of.
2. Looked closer at the elements of an effective paragraph.
3. Students were asked to read the story "The Restless Spirit of Bickleigh". The ending of this story was deliberately deleted. Students are to come up with their own theory to explain the background story of the 'spirit'. These will be discussed tomorrow. Students DO NOT have to write out their theory.

Period Two -- History 20
1. The outline and syllabus was handed out.
2. A short quiz was given on World War's I and II and the events associated with it. There is plenty of knowledge to be gained between now and June.

Period Three/Four -- ELA 9
1. Language Power lessons 1 & 2 were assigned. They are to be done for tomorrow.
2. We looked at the three elements necessary for the creation of an effective paragraph.
3. Some strategies were looked at to help students with the creation of meaningful, beneficial topic sentences which is the first of three required elements.
4. Homework: Students were to determine a topic and using each strategy twice, are to create ten potential topic sentences for a paragraph on that topic.

Period Five -- ELA 20
1. A homework check was done to ensure that all students completed the webs, or prewriting for the writing activity assigned.
2. The remainder of the period was given for students to initiate the drafting process of these paragraphs. They are due to be handed in for Thursday.

Period Six -- LA 6
1. Students were given Spelling List #1. They will be tested on these words next Day Two which is Thursday of next week.
2. Once the words were copied down, they were asked to use any ten words from the list and create a meaningful sentence using that word.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
1. Students were asked to reflect and think back to everything they have learned in school, both curricularly and other.
2. This list was then condensed to point out key lessons attained during their time in Kindergarten.
3. A copy of Robert Fulghum's poem "Credo" was given out and read orally. Following this a discussion was had on the merits of Fulghum's Credo, which basically says that the world would be a much better place if each and everyone of us used only the lessons learned in Kindergarten.

Parents are reminded to sign forms and return with students ASAP.

Have a good night.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 30th -- Day One

Welcome Back!!!

This website can be utilized by both parents and students to keep track of work being done in classes, due dates coming up in terms of assignments as well as important dates and events that involved the school as a whole.

Period One/Two -- Homeroom with Grade Eight.
Note to students/parents: Please return signed forms ASAP! These include Registration, School Fees, Technology Use Agreement, Field Trip Consent, Publication Forms and Student Planner.

Period Three -- History 30
A short quiz on general Canadian history revealed we have a lot of ground to make up this year. We introduced the unit, discussing some of the theories behind the arrival on Europeans to North America and the reasons for their desire to 'colonize' the land and peoples. In conjunction with this sheet, a few questions are due for Wednesday.

Period Five -- ELA 20
We will start the year off with a writing assignment. Students were posed the following question: If you could have dinner with any three or four people (dead or alive) who you find to be an inspiration or a tribute to society, who would they be? Students are to think of people they would want to have dinner with, and complete a concept web with reasons for why they would want to spend a couple of hours with those people. These webs are due tomorrow.

Period Six -- ELA 10
Similar to Grade 11, we will start with writing. Students were given the following prompt: You are a Grade Ten student. Write two informative paragraphs; one on your favorite aspect of school and one on your least favorite aspect of school. These paragraphs are due tomorrow.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
Introduced a paragraph writing unit, defining a paragraph and discussing their length. Students were then asked to write a paragraph on a topic of their choice for tomorrow.

Have a good night.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
Assignments 74 & 75 of Language Power were assigned. They are to be done for tomorrow. In my haste, I forgot to collect the homework assignment that was given on Friday....this will be collected tomorrow.

Period Two & 3-- ELA 10
We started with a pop quiz on the first three acts of Shakespeare's Macbeth. We then orally completed reading Act One.
A timeline of events will need to be completed by each student act by act for the duration of our study. The Act One portion was assigned today. Don't worry about putting down every little thing that takes place, rather focus on the important events that you feel have had, or will have an important role in the eventual outcome of the play.

Period Four -- Social 10
After a Current Events discussion, we started our mock trade activity where the students representing a nation are responsible to trade their goods with other nations in their best effort to fulfill the needs and wants of their population. This activity will continue tomorrow.

Period Five -- Social 30
After a Current Events discussion which was based primarily on the weekends sporting results, students were asked to think about and respond to the following questions:
1) What is meant by the term 'globalization'?
2) What is meant by the term 'international trade'?
2b) Why does international trade occur?
3) What is meant by the term 'defence'?
4) What is meant by the term 'foreign policy'?

These will be discussed tomorrow where they will make sense as we embark on our fifth and final unit of study.

Period Six -- Social 20
Bad weather on Friday cost this group a free class which was earned. Today was that day.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Students continued to work on their newspaper assignments in the Computer Lab. These are due Wednesday of this week...THursday at the absolute latest...

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday, May 5th -- Day One

Period One -- Social 20
Corrected the newspaper activity from yesterday. After looking over assumptions about Aboriginal worldviews, we sought to compare the differences between Aboriginal and modern day societies in terms of both labour and wealth. This assignment should be done for tomorrow.

Period Two -- Social 30
We discussed the questions students were to answer in regards to the Quebec and Charlottetown Conferences. We then discussed some of the problems experienced by both women and First Nations peoples in the years following Confederation

Period 3 & 4 -- Public Speaking
Congratulations to everyone who gave their speeches today. A big thank you to Cst. Paul Jones of the RCMP and Melissa Johnson for taking time from their busy schedules to help us as judges for the day. A Newberg family sweep as Dustin won the Division III competition while sister Jamie won Division IV.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Work period

Period Six -- ELA 10
We returned some assignments that have been on the desk for a few days. Seeing as there is a Social exam tomorrow but no class today we were given the remainder of the period to study for this exam.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
Collected student myths that were due for tomorrow. Students were then given an outline for the Romeo and Juliet exam on Thursday. The remainder of class time was given to look over their notes and assignments on the play.

Have a good night...Mr. Morin

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, May 4th -- Day Six

Period One -- Social 20
Students were asked a series of questions of which the answers come from this morning's Leader Post. They were also given a handout to be read for tomorrow relating to assumptions made about Aboriginal populations. This should be read as an understanding of this material is critical to completion of tomorrow's assignment.

Period Two -- ELA 10
Collected activity related to the short story "A Kind of Murder". We made a diagram relating to the use of the word discrimination. From that the short story "The Fan Club" was assigned to be read.

Period Three -- ELA 20
Work period for Trilogy and Newspapers

Period Four -- ELA 9
Students were asked to retell the myth of "Savitri and Satyavan" in no more than seven sentences. From there, students were asked to write their own myths explaing the presence of any two of the following:
How the skunk got its scent? How the elephant got its trunk? How the zebra got its stripes? How the beaver got its tail? How the porcupine got its quills? How the raccoon got its darkened eyes? These are due tomorrow.

Period Five -- ELA 10
Students were asked to complete their reading of "The Fan Club". Once finished they are to complete questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for tomorrow.

Period Six -- ELA 20
Work period

Period Seven -- Social 10
They were given a newspaper assignment based on this mornings Leader Post. Once done they were given the remainder of class to study for Wednesdays exam...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday, April 28th -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 20
Students were given work periods to continue with some major assignment. Creative Writing is working on Trilogy. Media Studies continue to work on their newspapers.

Period Three -- ELA 10
Discussed the concepts of Ego and Integrity. After reaching a general conclusion as to what is meant by each term. Students were then asked to read the short stories "The Emperor's New Clothes" & "The Invisible Silk Robe". Following reading they were asked to think as to how the concepts of integrity and egotistical relate to these stories.

Period Four -- ELA 9
Students were asked to create their own ten question quiz based on Romeo and Juliet. An exam date of May 6th was set for an exam on this book.

Period Five -- ELA 9
A homework check was done to ensure all students were done the questions based on "The Gift of Breath, The Gift of Stories". They were then asked to free - write a story of whatever comes to mind with little emphasis on spelling, grammar or coherence. They were assigned to read the short story "The White Canoe" on P. 176 of Crossroads.

Period Six -- ELA 20
Creative Writing: Two drafted stories need to be completed by tomorrow.
Media Studies: Story two of the Trilogy must be done for Thursday.

Period Seven -- Social 20
Students were given the period to complete the handout dealing with varying types of conflict and the methods that will and should be used in each scenario.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27th -- Day One

Perid One -- Social 20
Concluded taking notes on the concept of conflict and conflict resolution. From that point, started an assignment based on how certain groups might/should act under different types of conflict. Time will be given to complete this assignment tomorrow.

Period Two -- Social 30
Tried to evaluate the success and problems that arose with Confederation. A handout with six questions was given. This assignment is due for Wednesday.

Period Three -- Social 10
Identified needs and wants that each individual has. Took it a step further to see how many of these items are readily available in Canada. This all lead up to an introduction to trading between nations; what is it and why does it take place.

Period Four & Five -- ELA 20
Discussed the pro's and con's of the recently completed speeches. Creative Writing students continue to work on their Trilogy. Media Studies working on the creation of their own, unique newspaper.

Period Six -- ELA 10
Those students yet to complete the reading assessment finished up. The remainder of the class worked on compiling a list of fifty things they would like to do before they die.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
Listened to the two remaining speeches. Talked about the pro's and con's of the speeches. Introduced a new topic: Myths. Students were asked to try to define what a myth is and provided examples if possible. Assigned students to read the short story "The Gift of Stories, The Gift of Breath". Once completed reading, they are to complete 1a,b,c on P. 175 of Crossroads. This is due tomorrow.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22nd -- Day Four

Period One -- ELA 10
Finished up the Reading Assessment by completing Booklet # 2

Period Two -- Social 30
Continued our look into the events and circumstances leading up to Canadian Confederation.

Period Five -- Social 10
Our look at groups of people who have had their sovereignty taken away from them in the history of Canada continued with a look at the rights of women in Canada over time. What rights were taken away from them? Why was this the case? What was society's rationale for feeling justified in these actions?

Period Six -- EL A 9
Worked on our Romeo and Juliet projects. Those groups who are doing the documentary must provide me with a template or blueprint that demonstrates planning and preparation prior to taping.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Kicked off Speeches 2009!

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21st -- Day Three

Period One -- ELA 10
Completed Booklet One of a Reading Assessment.

Period Two -- ELA 20
Work Period for students to work on Trilogy (Creative Writing) or Newspaper Stories (Media Studies)

Period Three -- ELA 10
Students who weren't finished the booklet of the reading assessment completed in the first few minutes. After that, the period was given to polish up speeches which will commence on Thursday.

Period Four -- Social 30
Started to look at the circumstances and events (Quebec and Charlottetown Conferences) which led up to Confederation.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Polished up our speeches which will commence tomorrow.

Periods Six & Seven -- ELA 9
One period was given to finish up speeches which are to start on Thursday. After that, Grammar Lessons 70 & 71 were corrected from yesterday. Culminating Activities for Romeo & Juliet were given. Students spent the remainder of the period working to get things in order for this activity.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20th -- Day Two

Welcome Back... it's all downhill to summer holidays.

Period One -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students were given the period to work on their short story Trilogy. A due date is yet to be determined, but will be in the near future.
Media Studies students were asked to write three newspaper type stories given only the Five W's (Who, What, When, Where and Why). These are not due for tomorrow.

Period Three -- ELA 10
We finished reading Earle Birney's play "Court Martial" aloud. While there is no assignment on this, an exam question will involve you determining Gunner Davis' future.

Period Four & Five -- ELA 9
We worked on Grammar (Lessons 70 & 71) which are due tomorrow. We were given Period Five to work on speeches. They will start on Wednesday.

Period Six -- ELA 20
Students were given the period to put the finishing touches on their Speech (start Wednesday)

Period Seven -- Social 20
We took a look at some countries which we believe to be wealthy or poor and provided reasons (aside from simply economics) to explain. A handout which pointed out some of the major differences between developed and non - developed nations was looked at, along with a handout that discussed the disparity that exists within the distribution of wealth in nations.
Lastly we started to look at the notion of conflict. This will continue next class.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday, April 8th -- Day One

I am too homework over the break.

Just keep in mind that speeches will be presented shortly after we return.

Have a great Easter!

Mr. Morin

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, April 6th -- Day Four

Period One -- ELA 10
After some silent reading, assignments based on the short story "Stains" (read Friday) was collected.
Seeing as book reports are due tomorrow and speeches are coming up soon, a work period was given to work towards these assignments. BOOK REPORTS DUE TOMORROW!!!

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
After some Current Events, we continued our look at the political system. We then started to take a look at the events leading up to the establishment of Canada as a country. A forewarning that an extensive assignment is in the works.

Period Five -- Social Studies 10
A real good effort in Current Events, easily ten newsworthy items brought up.
An assignment was given to the students based on articles in this mornings Leader - Post which is due tomorrow.
Students were then given a written scenario that they were to read and respond to. Some time will be given tomorrow to work on this but not much.

Period Six -- ELA 9
Activities and questions were collected from Act IV.
We orally read the Act V, Scene's I & II.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
The second to last period given to work on speeches. Give some thought to the potential for creating a documentary. I think it could be an interesting assignment to undertake.

Have a good night, Mr. Morin

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2nd -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students were given one last period to work on their 'What If......' short story.
Media Studies handed in their paragraph responses to some hot button topics regarding TV and a brief discussion was had. After this, students were asked to read three articles from the textbook on the topic of "Violence".

Period Three -- ELA 10
Research Papers were collected. There are still a couple of outstanding; these need to be handed in ASAP!
Questions were then given to the students pertaining to the short story "Stains" that was given out yesterday. These questions need to be done for Monday.

Period Four -- ELA 9
A pop quiz was given on the events of "Romeo and Juliet". Congrats to Dustin Newberg for this highest mark.
After this we finished reading Act IV orally and were assigned a series of questions and activities related to the material. These activities are due for Monday.

Period Five -- ELA 9
The period was given to work on the assignment given in Period Four.

Period Six -- ELA 20
Seeing as the Social exam is a little longer than I intened it to be, students were given this period as well as Period Seven to complete the exam. When done, they either worked on their speech or their Social assignment that was given yesterday.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009 -- Day One

Period One -- Social 20
Off to the library to research whether or not certain countries around the world provide enough in terms of school, religion, recreation and so on which would make someone enjoy a life there regardless of whether or not they were 'wealthy'.

Period Two -- Social 30
We reviewed the concept of political discourse which is the language of politics and discussed the differences between political discourse and regular language amongst friends using education as the topic.
We then looked at the concept of political systems.

Period Three -- Social 10
We finished up our look at pressure groups and special interest groups.
Started looking at sovereignty by defining the term and glancing at specific examples of issues with sovereignty in Canada's history.

Period Four -- ELA 20
I am far too period for tomorrow's social exam.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students worked on their "What If......" story.
Media Studies students finished their personal opinion paragraphs dealing with violence on TV, along with sex, drugs and stereotyping in music videos and the benefits or lack of that come from watching TV.

Period Six -- ELA 10
We discussed the story "Accident Up Ahead" as a class.
We then read the first two paragraphs of the shory story "Stains" aloud. After engaging the students in the plot of the story, they were distributed the rest of the story and asked to read it for tomorrow.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
I wanted to finish up Act IV of "Romeo & Juliet" but with so many kids absent we worked on writing introductory paragraphs for their speeches. The key to a good introductory paragraph is using information and talk to captivate your audience, peak their interest and engage them in wanting to listen to the remainder of the speech.

Have a good night!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
After some silent reading, we corrected the Grammar Assignment that was given on Friday in my absence. Look forward to continuing with "Romeo & Juliet" tomorrow.

Periods Two/Three -- ELA 10
Seeing as we are currently in the midst of three assignments, both periods were given to work on these activities. Tomorrow will mark a new day and the introduction of the theme of "Decisions -- Action or Apathy?"

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
We collected our indiviudal 'propoganda' assignments. We also took some notes on Pressure Groups. After that an activity was given which involved Current Events from this past weekend.

Period Five -- Social Studies 20
A review of last class was had in which we looked back at the differences between wealth and poverty. After establishing the fact that some aspects of culture, namely advertising, work to perpetuate the myth that the more you have the wealthier and better your life will be, we took a quick look at some practices advertisers use.
An activity similar to Social 10 was given relating to Current Events.

Period Six -- Social Studies 30
Assignments from Friday on Political Systems were collected. Notes were taken regarding Political Discourse, or the language of politics. The Current Events assignment was also given to this group.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Speeches were the topic of the day. Introductory paragraphs were worked on. These will be handed in, and tinkered with to ensure they serve their purpose of capturing the attention of the audience.

Later, Mr. Morin

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 25th -- Day One

My apologies for the lack of 'blogging' lately. It's been busy as I'm sure most can understand. Anyhow, I plan to put forth an honest effort to ensure each day is posted for the remainder of the year. Although it may seem like a long time, June is just around the corner.

Period One -- Social 20
We reviewed for the examination which has been set for Tuesday, April 1st (no foolin')
After that the choice of having a study period or initiate Unit Four was given, the study period one. Tomorrow will mark the beginning of Unit Four -- Wealth & Poverty.

Period Four -- ELA 20
The Creative Writing was given an assignment in which they are to write a story under the premise that a wealthy businesswoman has died; she has been granted one day to return and tie and 'loose strings'.....the rest is up to you.
Media Studies students took their answers from our Television Viewing Questionnaire and started to create a pie graph for each of the three demographics. Hopefully once completed, these graphs will show some sort of tendencies amongst different demographics in terms of the programming they choose to view.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Being the nice guy that I am, and since they have been begging incessantly we went to the gym and played Basketball.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
After some silent reading, students handed in their assignment based on Act III; Scenes IV/V of Romeo & Juliet.
A grammar assignment was then given. It is due tomorrow.

Have a good night....Mr. Morin

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday, March 16th -- Day Two

Period One -- ELA 20
Students continued working on their TV programs. They were expected to be finished, or nearly finished with the template or 'blueprint' for their programs.

Period Three -- ELA 10
Students were given the class to finish up their persuasive essay on whether or not our environment truly is in trouble like some believe. The idea of proofreading was HIGHLY recommended.

Period Four -- ELA 9
Students were given a Grammar Assignment (Lesson's 61, 62 & 63 -- colons, semi - colons and hyphens). These are due tomorrow.

Period Five -- ELA 9
The questions based on Act III; Scenes I - III of 'Romeo and Juliet' were discussed and corrected. Students were then given an extending activity in which they were to look at Juliet's extended oxymoron about Romeo and point out what she is actually saying about him, both positively and negatively.

Period Six -- ELA 20
Work Period

Period Seven -- Social 20
Notes of the differing perspectives used to deal with problems were completed. After that, we started to look at methods of evaluating the different approaches to solving a problem.

Congrats to both the Senior Boys and Girls Basketball teams for good performances this weekend at Regional Play - Off's. Unfortunately no representation from Norquay at Hoopla this year...but there's always next year...

Have a good night.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, March 9th -- Day Three

Period One -- ELA 10
Time was given to students to finish up the Writing Assignment that was given on Friday. Once completed students were to read the novel they are currently studying as part of our independent novel study.

Period Two -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students were to pick any random picture from a magazine. Based on this image, they were to write a short story which included some sort of conflict taking place within that image. They are to ensure that each of the five elements of a short story (Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Conclusion) are included.
Media Studies students are to analyze and program on television. They are to analyze based on the elements of language, characterization, visuals, cultural groups and values. Essentially they are to analyze what is positive about this program and what is negative. In the end they are to make a conclusion as to whether or not they find that show to be of a positive or negative viewing experience.

Period Three -- ELA 10
In sticking with the theme of "Environment and Technology" students were given two poems to read -- "Big Yellow Taxi" and "If a Tree Falls". They were then to answer some questions based on their understanding of these pieces. The questions are due tomorrow.

Period Four -- Social Studies 30
Questions from Thursday were collected. They were then allowed time to finish up typing their research papers which are due tomorrow.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Students were given time to work on the assignments that they were given in Period Two

Period's Six and Seven -- ELA 9
The Grammar Assignment from Friday was corrected. After that we orally read Act II, Scenes V & VI of Romeo and Juliet. Questions and two extending activities were assigned following the reading. The questions need to be completed for tomorrow while some time will be given to work on the extending activities.

Congratulations to both the Sr. Boys and Girls Basketball teams for advancing to Regional Play - offs this coming weekend. The Knights are off to Rose Valley while the Nikes make the cross - province trip to Turtleford. Good Luck!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday, March 5th -- Day One

Period One -- Social Studies 20
Students were given the period to meet in their groups and come up with arguments and ideas to help them with the upcoming debate on whether or not trees and forest should continued to be cleared to create more farmland.

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
A reading and questions were given on the topic of Canada as a culturally diverse nation, and some of the issues and policies that this reality has created both in the past, present and into the future. These questions are due on Monday.

Period Three -- Social Studies 10
Students discussed the legitimization of the election process and the role of political parties. They were then split into groups and sought to come up with arguments that would make their group appear more trustworthy and legitimate than the others based on their involvement both in and out of school.

Period Four -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students were given a handout and assignment on descriptive writing.
Media Studies students were given an open book examination on Advertising.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Same as above.

Period Six -- ELA 10
Students were given the period to work on their one page composition on the novel they are currently studying independently....Obasan or April Raintree. These assignments are due tomorrow.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
Continued reading Romeo and Juliet. We reached the end of Act II, Scene IV. Looks like the plans are in place for Romeo and Juliet to be married...what will happen next?????

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3rd -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
Questions and extension activity were assigned based on Act I, Scenes IV & V of "Romeo & Juliet". The extension is to read the excerpt of "West Side Story" on P. 142 and point out the similarities and differences between that story and Romeo and Juliet's encounter at the Capulet Ball.

Period's Three & Four -- ELA 10
Discussed a poem entitled "Iceberg" and read a short story entitled "What if Humans Lived as Long as Trees". With the story you were to respond to whether or not you would take a pill that would allow you to live until the age of 200 at the expense of being able to have only one child, or would you refuse the pill and have a larger family.

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
We looked at the specifics association with the different realsm of the Political Spectrum -- Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism and Fascism.

Period Five -- Social Studies 30
Absolute last period to work on research assignment. They are due next Monday.

Period Six -- Social Studies 20
We initiated a debate. The topic will be: Should we continue to cut down and clear trees and forests in order to create more agricultural land?

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students were given a new assignment dealing with writing short fiction. Today's assignment involved writing in "Stream of Consciousness" in which there is no speaking, only the inner thoughts and actions of the main character in the story.
Media Studies students examined two advertisements for MILK and Levi's and answered questions pertaining to the use of elements within the ad. They were also to start reading Pgs. 42 - 46 of the Textbook.

Have a good night!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 25th -- Day One

Period One -- Social Studies 20
Last class to work on brochures dealing with Environmental Issues and our solutions to these problems. They are due tomorrow.
Homework: Brochure

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
One of the last classes to research for assignment dealing with the interaction of two cultures, whether be through annihilation, segregation or assimilation.
Homework: NONE

Period Three -- Social Studies 10
Quick quiz on the thoughts of Hobbes, Locke, Roussea and Voltaire. Assignment given on what individual students would think needs to be done in terms of certain real life situations. Students were then asked to make a list of arguments one might use to convince another why their way of thinking is superior than the next.
Homework: NONE

Period Four and Five -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students continued working on their writing package.
Homework: Four of five assignments due Friday.

Media Studies students continued to work on their advertising/marketing campaigns.
Homework: NONE

Period Six -- ELA 10
While we are still working on the theme of 'Equality' through our independent novel studies, we switched gears and started looking at the next theme of "Environment & Technology". Students were each given a copy of the poem "How the Rainbow Came to Be". They are to read it, and provide what they feel would be a fitting illustration to go with this piece.
Homework: NONE

Period Seven -- ELA 9
Continued reading Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet". Today we read Act I; Scenes II & III. Students can expect an assignment on what they read today tomorrow.

Have a good night....Mr. Morin

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, February 23rd -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
Grammar 54 & 55 was due today. On top of this, Lesson's 56 & 57 were also assigned. All of these lessons will be collected tomorrow.

Period Two & Three -- ELA 10
After some silent reading, the poem "What I Remember of the Evacuation" was handed out, read and questions were assigned. Independent novel studies will commence tomorrow. Students will have their choice of "Obasan" and "April Raintree".

Period Four -- Social 10
An assignment was given in which questions were provided, the answers all of which came from today's copy of The Leader Post. The assignment is due tomorrow.

Period Five -- Social 30
After a Current Events discussion, the period was given to work on our research assignment. Students need to bear in mind that at least one book or print resource will have to be utilized.

Period Six -- Social 20
An assignment similar to the one given in Period Four Social 10 was given.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Creative Writing students continued to work towards completing the package of activities that were given. A minimum of four of the five assignments must be completed by Friday.
Media Studies students looked at effective techniques to use in advertising. They were then given an assignment in which they must create four advertisements for a pre - existing product, or one that they have invented. Students will be marked more on the effectiveness of the advertising as opposied to artistic ability.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, February 7th -- Day Four

Here is a list of deadlines that students and parents should be aware of:

ELA 9 -- Paragraphs 2, 3 & 4 of the essay on the importance of choosing friends using literature taken in class as supporting information are due tomorrow.

ELA 10 -- Nothing due

CW 20 -- Any activity from the handout of activities given earlier this week will be due tomorrow.

Media Studies 20 -- Nothing due

Social 10 -- Questions on Economic Development in foreign countries is due tomorrow

Social 20 -- Unit Two exam on Population is tomorrow

Social 30 -- Nothing due

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday, February 2nd -- Day One

Here is a list of the deadlines that need to be remembered in each class:
ELA 9 -- Grammar up to the end of P. 70 due tomorrow
ELA A10 -- Short Story for "Young Writer's of Saskatchewan" is due Wednesday
Creative Writing 20 -- More time will be given to complete stories
Media Studies 20 -- We are looking at television programs and the manner in which certain groups of people are portrayed. More time will be given tomorrow.
Social 10 -- Questions on First Nations Economic Development are due Thursday
Social 20 -- Factors of Living and their impact on the Environment is due tomorrow. Unit Two Exam on Population is Friday.
Social 30 -- Looking for three arguments each to support both the theory of biological determinism and cultural determinism. These are due Wednesday.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 29th -- Day Five

First day of 2nd Semester

Period One -- ELA 9
We returned Unit Two Exams on "Turning Points". For the most part, they were pretty well done. Congrats to Zach Newell....91%!!!!
After that the first paragraph of the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" was read aloud and students were to record what information they were given, and what was left out that they think is important to the understanding of the story.
At that point, the students were asked to complete the reading of the story and answer four questions. This is due tomorrow and a second activity related to this story will be assigned tomorrow.

Period Two -- ELA 10
A handout on reading and its purposes was given. It is due tomorrow.

Period Three -- ELA 10
After ten minutes to work on the reading handout, the theme of inequality was introduced as the first of three themes in ELA B10. Students were asked to bring up examples of inequality that have taken place over time.
Images were then shown on overheads that were in one way or another related to the concept of inequality. Discussions were had on how the seven images depicted inequality and the manner in which they have played out over time.

Period Four -- Social Studies 10
Seeing as nearly half the class was missing..absent or preparing Taco's in a Bag with SADD this was a work period.

Period Five -- Social 30
Review of the concepts of biological and cultural determinism took place. The theory in interactionism was introduced. From that point a handout was given in which the students have to look at various aspects of humanity and determine whether or not they think those are a result of our biology, our culture or a combination of both. This assignment needs to be done for Monday.

Period Six -- Social 20
A number of assignments were returned to the students. Apolgies for the lateness.
A review of the material on the test was given. Reminder that the Unit Two Exam on Population is next Friday.
At that point we introduced the third unit on the Environment. A concept web was created as a class on what types of things we believe are a part of the environment.
We then discussed and defined the two types of environments; those being the physical and the human.
Students were then asked to make a list of the ways that the environment helps us to meet our needs in a variety of areas such as personal, social, security, esteem and actualization. This is due for tomorrow.

Period Seven -- Creative Writing 20
Notes were given on six different points of view, or methods in which a story can be written.
Students were then given the storyline that someone, a biker, pedestrian, skateboarder, etc. gets struck by a vehicle. Students are to add the details, and write three different narratives, each using a different point of view to re - tell the story.

Thanks to SADD for the Taco's in a Bag -- delicious!!!!! Also Good Luck to the Junior Curlers heading to Yorkton tomorrow!!! And Good Luck to the Senior Basketball teams in Kamsack today after school.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, January 26th -- Day Three

Not much to 'blog' about today. For the most part today was filled with exams and exam preparation.

Social Studies 30 saw no homework assigned, but a general congratulations goes out to the Grade 12's for a relative strong performance on the Unit Two Exam. A special congratulations is extended to Tyler Griffith....94%....WOW!

Have a good night....

Mr. Morin

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 23rd -- Day Two

ALL classes were given to students to study for exams which are commence on Monday. ELA A10 is Monday at 1:00, ELA 20 is Tuesday at 1:00.

In terms of ELA 9, make sure that the Grammar Assignment is done for Monday. Also, Unit Two exam on "Turning Points" is Monday as well.

Have a good weekend, remember to study and stay warm!

Mr. Morin

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22nd -- Day One

Period One -- Social Studies 20
Barack Obama continues to be the topic of conversation during Current Events.
We looked back at some of the problems that arise with growing populations and potential policies that could be undertaken to help eliminate this problem. We then took a look at some actual policies that have been put in place to help control growing populations in the nations of China and India.
At the same time some countries, mainly in Europe are seeing dwindling populations. We discussed some of the issues in this regard, as well as took a closer look at some the actual problems that arise in these types of scenarios.
Lastly we investigated some scholarly writing as to measures that can be taken in the future to help minimize population growth.
That concludes our unit of study on Population. The unit exam is tentatively scheduled for next Friday, January 30th.

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
We completed our unit exam on Economic Development. At this moment I have corrected three and hope to have them back on Monday.

Period Three -- Social Studies 10
We concluded our farming simulation activity as we determined how prosperous our five years of farming were. We then looked back and reflected on our activities, namely those areas which we did and did not have control of.

Period Four -- ELA 20
We were given one last period to work on our short story.

Period Five -- ELA 20
In preparation for the Final Exam which is Tuesday, we played a Jeopardy! style game which reviewed the content for the exam. Congrats to team Duran for a great comeback victory.

Period Six -- ELA 10
A couple of assignments were returned (The Cage and The Law of....poetry) The remainder of the period was used to work on our short stories for "Young Writers of Saskatchewan" writing contest.

Period Seven -- ELA 9
We reviewed for our unit exam on "Turning Points". It is scheduled for Monday, January 25th. You will need to know all stories we have read in the Crossroads Anthology since the last exam, as well as figures of speech and the elements of plot. The friendship poster is due for tomorrow.

NOTE: Grade Ten and Eleven English recommends will be given tomorrow. If not recommended, I will tell you exactly where you stand going into next week's finals.

Have a good night...Mr. M.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 20th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
We made a list of characteristics and attributes that you would look for in the perfect friend.
After that the short story "Golden Girl" was distributed. Since the story is a little longer than originally thought, all that needs to be done for tomorrow is ensuring that the story is read in its entirety.

Period Two -- ELA 10
Discussion on Halloween activities enjoyed by the students was had. Following this students were asked to read the short story "Halloween Horrors" by Max Braithwaite. Once done, students were to complete three questions and an extension activity related to the story.

Period Three -- ELA 10
Continuation of Period Two

Period Four -- Social 9
Farming Simulation activity continued. For tomorrow, years three four and five must be planned out including the total of income and expenses excluding adjustments.

Period Five -- Social 30
Unit two exam on Economic Development. Time will be given next class to complete.

Period Six -- Social 20
Assignments were collected on Migration and Growth Paradigm. The concept of change was looked at which included the definition of six types of change. We then looked at some major events in the history of the world in terms of the type of chane each event was as well as discussed the effects of these events on population.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Worked on short stories for "Young Writers of Saskatchewan"

Remember where you were today...a historic day as the United States swears in Barack Obama as the first black President in their history....

Have a good night....Mr. M.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, January 19th -- Day Four

Period One -- ELA A10
After we collected the poetry that was due ("The Law of.....") we went over the study chart that had been worked on last week. I consider this chart to be an invaluable resource as far as studying for next weeks final goes.

Period Two -- Social Studies 30
After a Current Events discussion, the period was given to study for tomorrow's Unit Two eam on Economic Development. As long as you take the time to read over your material and you paid attention in class, you will do fine.

Period Five -- Social Studies 10
We started a farming simulation game working around the concept of making good decisions along with the development of a mixed economy. For tomorrow, you are to have charted out your plans for Year Two, along with determining the income and expenses you will accumulate without any looking at the adjustments.

Period Six -- ELA 9
We corrected the grammar assignment from Friday. We were then given a few minutes of free time to work on our friendship posters.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
We started working on our own literature to enter in the "Young Writers of Saskatchewan" contest. The only requirement is that your writing in one way or another has to relate to the province of Saskatchewan.

Sorry about no blog on Friday, I was off at 3:30 to the 25th Annual Teachers Hockey Tournament in Saskatoon. Thanks to Mark Laing, Bob Metzler and the fellas's from the Yorkton Professional A's for the invite. Also thanks to Deano for driving to and from Saskatoon which couldn't have been fun listening to me and Jordan on the way home yesterday.

Have a good night.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 15th -- Day Two

BRRRRR!!!! Colder than yesterday.

Again, here is a run down of what you can be thinking of in terms of homework/exams in the not to distant future.

ELA 9 -- We were scheduled to have an exam today. Clearly that is not going to happen. Also because I have been unable to give you an outline for the exam, tomorrow (weather permitting) you will get an outline and we will collaborate and re - schedule the exam for the best possible day.

ELA 10 -- Nothing better to do on a cold day than sit down and write some poetry. "The Law of Saskatchewan" poems can be worked on; due date will be sent tomorrow.

ELA 20 -- You can expect those essays based on "Far from Shore" to be collected tomorrow (weather permitting) or the next day that the buses run.

Social 10 -- The Business assignment can be worked on; due date will be set tomorrow.

Social 20 -- Handouts on Population demographics, migration and population theories will be collected tomorrow.

Social 30 -- Exam has been postponed; outline and new date to be discussed tomorrow.

Stay Warm....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday, January 14th -- Day One

A little bit chilly out there buses running. Here is what students can be working on in their respective classes:

ELA 10 -- Poetry assignment...."The Law of Saskatchewan"
Study chart....this will be reviewed in class soon. Remember that completion of this assignment will result in marks for you...good way to boost the mark heading into exams.

ELA 20 -- Study chart...same as above
"Far from Shore" essay was due today. They WILL be collected excuses.

Social 10 -- Assignment pertaining to the creation and establishment of your own business will be due shortly.

Social 20 -- In tomorrow's class, you will be handing in the chart dealing with "Population demographics, Migration and Population Theories

Social 30 -- Platform for dealing with economic problems both now and into the future will be due soon. The exam scheduled for Friday has been pushed back due to the fact that I was unable to provide you with an outline which was supposed to take place today.

See you tomorrow....hopefully mother nature will cooperate

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday January 12th -- Day Five

Period One -- ELA 9
We started a new unit on "Love, Loyalty & Friendships". Students were given a questionnaire which they are to complete for tomorrow.

Period Two & Three -- ELA 10
We started preparations for the final exam which is set for Monday, January 27th. Back to reality tomorrow with everybody's favorite.....poetry.

Period Four -- Social 10
One last class to work on our business proposals. Essentially you are to make a list of all the resources (natural, human and capital) along with the supporting infrastructure needed to get your business off the ground. You are also to talk about the way(s) your business will be a boost to the local economy. While these weren't supposed to be due until Thursday, lack of work and abundance of conversation means these are due tomorrow.

Period Five -- Social 30
We were in our groups working on our platforms for the manner and policies we would utilize to help alleviate economic problems in Canada both now and into the future. Reminder that the Unit Two Exam is scheduled for Friday. Review and outline to be given on Wednesday.

Period Six -- Social 20
Population Pyramid assignments were collected. From that point, the period was given to complete the population demographics assignment. Those who were done started a handout with questions and acitivities relating to the migration of people.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Seeing as over a quarter of the class was gone to Basketball, this was used as a work period to catch up in any work necessary.

Have a good night!

Monday January 12th -- Day Five

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday, January 9th -- Day Four

Period One -- ELA 10
Collected and discussed the questions and activities related to the Robert Service poems read in class. For Monday, students are to think of people, places and events from Canada's past which have helped in one way or another to shape our country.

Period Two -- Social 30
Assignments on "Canada as a Geographic Entity" were collected. After this, the class was split into three groups, or political parties. Each group is responsible for coming up with a name, creating a logo and establishing a platform as to how they would ensure economic prosperity for all Canadians both presently and into the future.

Period Five -- Social 10
We talked about the resources needed to ensure farming is a successful operation. We also discussed the concept of sales and consumer choices. Students were then to create their own business in which they outline their plan and the resources needed to make it viable.

Period Six -- ELA 9
Corrected a large grammar assignment that was assigned earlier in the week.

Period Seven -- ELA 20
Class time was given to complete the assignment related to the "Purposes for Reading"

Have a safe weekend and see you all Monday!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 8th -- Day Three

Period One -- ELA 10
Used the period to work on the Robert Service poetry assignment; questions and activities related to "The Cremation of Sam McGee" and "The Shooting of Dan McGrew".

Period Two -- ELA 20
Period given to work on "Far from Shore" essay. It is due Wednesday, January 14th.

Period Three -- ELA 10
A period to hand in "Resolutions for 2009" assignment, and ensure the poetry is done. The poetry assignment is due tomorrow, Friday, January 9th. Also: REMEMBER to e-mail me your power point presentations or else I won't have any way to mark you.

Period Four -- Social 30
Collected assignments (questions/paragraphs) on Orderly Marketing. Assigned a reading and questions on "Canada as a Geographic Entity". They are due tomorrow, Friday, January 9th.

Period Five -- ELA 20
Assignment given dealing with Purposes for Reading. This does not have to be done for tomorrow.

Period Six -- ELA 9
Time was given to complete the lengthy grammar assignment that was given yesterday. It is due tomorrow, Friday, January 9th.